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PSY 355-01 Psychology & Media in the Digital Age

Schedule & Assignments
This page was last modified September 26, 2024

Note: Links to online journal articles will work if you are accessing the Internet from a Le Moyne College computer.

I. Introduction & Orientation: Basic Overview of Media Online & IRL
Mon, Aug 26
General Introduction & Themes about the Self (pdf)
Wed, Aug 28
Mass of the Holy Spirit (no class)

Fri, Aug 30
Defining What "Media" Means: General & Contemporary Meanings (pdf) Meyrowitz on "Multiple Media Literacies" (1998) [LMC]
Mon, Sep 02

Some Media Terms & Concepts (detailed notes: pdf) [outline]
Wed, Sep 04
Complete Monday class  

Fri,  Sep 06 Behavioral Addictions & Media I  (Notes on Irresistible Prologue & Chs.1 2 & 3)   Alter (2017) Irresistible: Prologue & Chs. 1, 2, & 3 (pp. 1-90)
II. History and Themes: Media from the Ecological Perspective & Methods of Research
Mon, Sep 09

Trends in Media Use: Historical, National, International: 1800-2023 (pdf version, 8 pp.)

Discussion of Social and Other Media Use by class

 •••• Group Presentation Choices due today •••


PEW Internet/Broadband Fact Sheet (January 31, 2024)
PEW Social Media Fact Sheet  (January 31, 2024)
Wed, Sep 11 Human Psychology & Culture from the Media Ecology Perspective I
Strate (2004) [Selections] •
Try at least to read the text that has been highlighted in yellow.
Fri, Sep 13
Human Psychology & Culture from the Media Ecology Perspective II

   • Print & Techno-Digital Culture

Mon, Sep 16
Evaluating Claims about Psychology and Media: Evidence, Conspiracy Theories, and Moral Panics

Moral Panic {Wikipedia}
Moral Panic: Who Benefits from Public Fear {Psychology Today, 20150720}
Lewandowski & Cook (2020) The Conspiracy Theory Handbook (pdf version)
Wed, Sep 18
Evaluating Claims about Psychology and Media (complete from last class)

Group Presentation Planning (1)

Fri, Sep 20
Studying Psychology and Social Science (Research Methods) [Outline] Giles (2003, pp. 14-27) [sent by email]
Mon, Sep 23
Behavioral Addictions and Media II & Discussion of Irresistible, Chs. 4-9 Alter (2017) Irresistible: Chaps. 4-9 (pdf notes)
Wed, Sep 25
Complete Studying Psychology and Social Science (Research Methods) The Villages Expanded
III. Topics in Psychology & Media
Fri, Sep 27
Neuropsychology of Contemporary Media I • Light  (Outline)
Shocat (2012) Abstract & Introduction [pdf, 2 pp.]

Mon, Sep 30
Discussion of the Media Then and Now Project

•••• The Media Then and Now: Report and Reflection due today••••

Wed, Oct 02
Neuropsychology of Contemporary Media II  • The Automobile as a Digital Device   (Outline)

•••• Take Home Test distributed••••
Hamilton & Grabowski (2013) on Cognitive Distraction [at this link]
Fri, Oct 04
Neuropsychology of Media (complete, if needed)
Group Presentation Planning (2)

Mon, Oct 07 The Extended Self & the Cognitive Psychology of Human Multitasking (Outline)
Clark & Chalmers (1998) [LMC via jstor]

Wang et al (2015) Summary
Wed, Oct 09 The Extended Self & the Cognitive Psychology of Human Multitasking II

Fri, Oct 11 The Notion of "The Spectacle"Living in the World of the Spectacle: Notes [Outline]

•••• Take Home Test returned/due••••
The Society of the Spectacle {Wikipedia}
Kellner (2003) Media Culture and the Triumph of the Spectacle (pdf, 18 pp)

October 12-15 Fall Wellness Break
Wed, Oct 16 Fake News? Propaganda, Politics,and Media Manipulation  (1)

Fri, Oct 18 Group Presentation Planning (3)
Midterm Grades due

Mon, Oct 21 Presentation by Michael Sgro (LMC '97) • Founder & Director of Michael Sgro Leadership Coaching
  • A Psychology major at Le Moyne, Michael has had extensive experience with both digital media and higher education. In an interactive exchange, he will offer the class perspectives on the use of digital media for career advancement and strategies for entering into the adult work community.
Wed, Oct 23 Fake News? Propaganda, Politics,and Media Manipulation (2)

Fri, Oct 25 TBA
Mon, Oct 28 The Psychology of DISNEY I • Disney as a media corporation
Disney.Com: The Home of All Things Disney [look around]
Disney Animated Films {Wikipedia}
Wed, Oct 30 The Psychology of DISNEY II  • Creating a national mythology? Princesses & Talking Animals Judd (2015, July 8; Updated 2017, June 14). A conversation with the psychologist behind 'Inside Out'

Ornstein (2006, Dec 24). What's wrong with Cinderella? New York Times Magazine. [LMC]
Fri, Nov 01 The Psychology of DISNEY (complete)

Group Presentation Planning (4)

IV. Student Presentations and Final Issues
Mon, Nov 04
Group 1 Celebrities, Fandoms, and Audiences: How We Relate to Media Personalities
Wed, Nov 06 Media and the Election: Review of Nov. 05 Results

Fri, Nov 08
Group 2 Consumer Behavior: How Online Media Influence Buyers and Help Sell Products
Mon, Nov 11
Group 3 Disinhibition Online: Cyberbullying, Trolling, and Self-Revelation
Wed, Nov 13

Group 4 Ethnicity and Difference: How Media Shape Our Perceptions of One Another in a Diverse and Multiracial Society

Fri, Nov 15
Mon, Nov 18
Group 5 Social Media & the Mental Health of Kids under 14
Wed, Nov 20
Group 6 Violence in the Media: Traditional vs. Online Media

Fri. Nov 22 Sexuality Online Notes on Sexuality Online (pdf format)
Outline of Notes
Mon, Nov 25
Sexuality Online (cont'd)

Wed, Nov 27 Thanksgiving Break
Fri, Nov 29
Mon, Dec 02 Social Media & Adolescent/Young Adult Mental Health
Wed, Dec 04 Social Media & Adolescent/Young Adult Mental Health II
Fri, Dec 06 Last Class: Notes & discussion of the experience of 12-hours of digital abstinence & of other topics in the course.

•••• 12-Hour Digital Media Abstinence Project report due today ••••

•••• Reflection Paper on Group Presentation due by 5 pm, Wednesday, Dec. 11 ••••