                  Icon PSY 355

PSY 355 Psychology & Media in the Digital Age

This page was last modified on September 7, 2024

Trends in Media Use: Historical, National, International

The History of Media: 1800-2022

Adoption of Technology in the United States, 1900-2013

Adoption of Technology

Adoption of Technology (Digital
What is most notable about how US households adopted different technologies between 1900 and 2013?

Adoption of the Digital Technology Worldwide

Adoption of Internet Technology Worldwide

The Growing Media Environment
        vs. New vs. New New Media 1800-2022

What do you see as the major differences or changes between the new media (1980-2000) and the "new new" media (2000-present)

Where do you stand in this history? Fill out "putting yourself in the history of contemporary media" page

Our World In Data: Internet
(Max Rosier, Hannah Ritchie, & Esteban Ortiz-Ospina)
& other sources of information

The Growing Use of the Internet Worldwide

Number of Internet Users 1990-2020

Share of Individuals Using the Internet

What did the Internet look like at the beginning of the 21st century?
What does it look like two decades later?

Pew Internet Adoption 1995-2013  Home Broadband vs. Dial-up

Social Media Platforms
Social Media Platform Use by Adults 2012-2023

Social Media Platforms: Speed of Growth

Social Media Platform Growth: Speed

Social Media Platform Use by Adults in US: Gender Differences

Share US Adiults Use Social Media Platforms
                      by Gender

Social Media Platform Use by Adults in US: Age Differences (2019)

Use of Social Media by Age

Social Media Use by US Teens, Aged 13-17 (2022)
Teen Social Media Use 2022

Streaming Video Use: 2020-2021
Streaming Video 2020-2021

What do YOU do vis-à-vis Social and Other Digital Media?

Fill out form and we will discuss the results in groups


Vogels, E. A., Gelles-Watnick, R., & Massarat, N. (2022, August 10). Teens, social media and technology 2022. Pew Research Center. https://www.pewresearch.org/internet/2022/08/10/teens-social-media-and-technology-2022
This page was first posted on January 26, 2014