Le Moyne College CSC-151 Microsoft Excel 2003 Reference


How to ...

Look and feeluse normal view, toolbars, and task panes.
Keyboard navigationmove around a worksheet and workbook.
Selecting cellsselecting one or more cells.
Enter dataenter text, numbers, and formulas.
Edit datachange text, numbers, and formulas.
Data alignmentalign data in a cell.
Column widthschange the width of a column, or height of a row.
Cut, copy, & pasteuse the Windows clipboard to duplicate or move data.
Fill handleuse the Excel fill handle to duplicate data.
Functionsuse built-in Excel functions.
Create formulasuse the keyboard and/or mouse to create an Excel formula.
Format a worksheetformat text in a worksheet - the basics.
Insert graphicinsert and size a graphic (picture).
Chartscreate and change a chart.
Header and footercreate and format headers and footers.
Page setupsetup a worksheet for printing.
Types of cell referencesuse different types of cell references within a formula.
What-if analysisuse goal seek and solver to perform what-if analysis.
Split windowsview different sections of a worksheet simultaneously.
Freeze panesview the top-most rows and/or left-most columns as you scroll through a worksheet.

Look and feel

Keyboard navigation

Selecting cells

Enter data

Edit data

Data alignment

Column widths

Cut, Copy, & Paste

Fill handle


Create formulas

Insert graphic

Split windows

Freeze panes