Le Moyne College CSC-151 Microsoft Word 2003 Reference


How to ...
Create a documentcreate a new document.
Edit a documentopen an existing document.
Save a documentsave a document.
Look and feeluse document views, toolbars, rulers, and tab stops.
Selecting textselect text..
Format a documentformat text in a document - the basics.
Header and Footercreate and format headers and footers.
Stylesformat text using styles; modify style definition.
Table of Contentsautomatically generate a table of contents.
Tablescreate and format tables.
Advanced formattingcreate a newsletter (newpaper) formatted document - columns, graphics, and wordart.
Toolsuse spelling and grammar, word count, track changes, autocorrect options, and options.
Word 2007 classic menuuse spelling and grammar, word count, track changes, autocorrect options, and options.

Create a document

Edit a document

Save a document

Look and feel

Selecting text

Format a document

Header and Footer


Table of Contents


Advanced formatting


Word 2007 classic menu

Last updated on September 4, 2007