To Sleep! Perchance To Dream
2007/10/23 21:22 Filed in: Biopsychology

- An Active, Purposeful Machine That Comes Out at Night to Play (Benedict Carey) The lead article reviews the science of sleep and the history of research efforts to find out what sleep is all about.
- In Study of Human Patterns, Scientists Look to Bird Brains (Carl Zimmer)
- In the Dreamscape of Nightmares, Clues to Why We Dream at All (Natalie Angier)
- The Elderly Always Sleep Worse, and Other Myths of Aging (Gina Kolata)
- Sleep Drugs Found Only Mildly Effective, but Wildly Popular (Stephanie Saul)
- At Every Age, Feeling the Effects of Too Little Sleep (Jane E. Brody)
- Shh...My Child Is Sleeping (in My Bed, Um, With Me) (Tara Parker-Pope)
- From Faithful Dogs and Difficult Fish, Insight Into Narcolepsy (Ingfei Chen)
- Eyes Wide Shut: Thoughts on Sleep