
This page was last updated:
September 26, 2024

PSY 444 Story in Psychology: Narrative Perspectives on Human Behavior

Instructor: Vincent W. Hevern, SJ, Ph.D.

MWF 12:00 - 12:50 PM GH 207

Fall 2024
Schedule of Classes & Assignments

Note: "McAdams" under assignments refers to our 2015 text and the pages you need to have read.
The symbol {W} refers to an article or reference in Wikipedia
Date Topics
1 Mo Aug 26
Class 01 Personal introductions, overview of the course, Orientation & Introduction  
  We Aug 28
Mass of the Holy Spirit • No Class

Aug 30 Class 02  Our Storied Nature as Humans & An Overview of McAdam's Model McAdams, pp. 1-11
The Contemporary World & Narrative in Psychology. • Becoming Actors & Agents
2 Mo Sep 02
Class 03  Our Storied Nature as Humans (II) & Humans: Becoming an Actor (I) McAdams, Chs. 1-2,  pp. 15-72
Handout from Instructor
  We Sep 04
Class 04 Complete previous class

Sep 06 Class 04 Stories in the Contemporary World from a Psychological Perspective (pdf notes)

3 Mo Sep 09
Class 05 Humans: Becoming an Actor (II)

-> Seminar/Presentation Topic due
McAdams, Chs. 3-4, pp. 73-136
Handout from Instructor

Videos for class
Example of a Temper Tantrum
Marshmallow Test Video
Big Five Personality Traits
  We Sep 11
Class 06 Complete previous class
                 & Preparing a Seminar Topic

Sep 13 Class 06 Humans: Becoming an Agent (I) "The 5-7 Shift" McAdams, Ch. 5, pp. 139-169
Handout from Instructor

Recess Therapy (YT) with Julian Shapiro-Barnum {W}
Guys being dudes
What does kindness mean to you?
NYT: Max Alexander, 8 yo
Instagram: Max Alexander, Fashion Designer
Foundations of the Narrative Perspective in Psychology: 19th & 20th Centuries
4 Mo Sep 16
Class 07 The Rise of Modernity & Psychology: The US & World, 1800-2020+ Timeline Graphic
Questions about the Timeline
  We Sep 18
Class 08 William James & Sigmund Freud Notes on James and Freud
(pdf. 10 pp.)

Fr Sep 20 Class 09 Complete previous classes Freud's Archeological Model of Therapy (pdf)
5 Mo Sep 23
Class 10 Psychological Research: The Standard Model (Outline)
Psych in America 1890-1970 (timeline)
Notes on Psych Research & the Standard Model
  We Sep 25
Class 11 Dissenting from the Standard Model of Psychology (Outline)
Extended Notes on Challenging the Standard Model, 1920-1970

Sep 27 Class 12  Complete previous class

6 Mo Sep 30
Class 13 Bruner: From Cognitive Theory to Narrative (Summary)

  We Oct 02
Class 14 Sarbin, Goffman, & the Emergence of Narrative Psychology  (Summary) Hevern: Roles

Oct 04 Class 15 TBA
Narrative Inquiry: Methods of Research & Application
7 Mo
Oct 07
Class 16 Narrative Inquiry (Methods of Research) I • Capturing Our Conversations & Methods of Studying Narratives Methods of Research
Josh's Diary

We Oct 09
Class 17 Narrative Inquiry (Methods of Research) II • Analyzing Big Stories

Fr Oct 11 Class 18 TBA
Mo Oct 14

We Oct 16
Class 17  Positioning/Small Stories •  Humans: Becoming an Agent (II) McAdams, Ch. 6
McAdams, Ch. 7

Oct 18 Class 18 TBA 
Narrative Identity: Autobiography & Memory
9 Mo Oct 21
Class 19  Autobiographical Memory
2-page Outline of Presentation due
Mid-term "take home" distributed
Autobiographical Memory
Life Autobiography to Early Adulthood
  We Oct 25
Class 20  Autobiographical Memory (2)

Oct 25 Class 21 TBA

10 Mo Oct 28
Class 22 Becoming an Author: The Stories We Live By
McAdams, Ch. 8, pp. 239-270
  We Oct 30
Class 23 Student Presentation: Giving Narrative Voice to Women: Psychological Findings (PS)

Nov 01
Class 24 Becoming an Author: Generative Lives, Redemptive Life Stories
McAdams, Ch. 9 pp. 271-301
11 Mo Nov 04
Class 20 The Sense of an Ending • Final Chapters in Human Lives

• Mid-term take home due today.

McAdams, Ch. 10, pp. 302-320
• YouTube: Loneliness in Grandmother (Michael Benny)
• YouTube: Husband taking care of wife with AD
Student Presentations

We Nov 06
Student Presentation: The Myths of Medea and/or Prometheus as Related to Human Psychology (CC)

Nov 08 Student Presentation: Life after Traumatic/Paralyzing Injury (AB)

12 Mo Nov 11
Student Presentation: Neuropsychological Aspects of Narrative: Competence After Brain Injury (MAJ)

We Nov 13
Student Presentation: Legal Uses of Narrative: Influences on Trial Strategies (AD)

Nov 15 Student Presentation: Down Syndrome (JA)

13 Mo
Nov 18
Student Presentation: Social Media and Adolescents (JP)

• Write-up of Narrative Reflective Exercise due today

We Nov 20 Student Presentation: Criminals After Incarceration (MM)

Nov 22 Student Presentation: Autism (KL)

14 Mo Nov 25
Student Presentation


Nov 29
15 Mo
Dec 02
Student Presentation: Learning to Tell a Story: Narrative Development in Infancy & Childhood (MS)

We Dec 04
Student Presentation: Life After Treatment for Young Adults with Cancer (LH)

Dec 06 Summing Up

 Semester Examinations
Mon, Dec 09

Tue, Dec 10

Wed, Dec 11
Student Presentation Papers Due by 5:00 PM
Thu, Dec 12

Fri, Dec 13