Donald J. Kirby, S.J., Ph.D.

Don Kirby, Professor of Christian Ethics, served 17 years as founding Director of the Center for the Advancement of Values Education (CAVE) at Le Moyne College in Syracuse, N.Y. (1988-2003). During 2003-2004 he took a sabbatical to work on his book Compass for Uncharted Lives: A Model for Values Education (Syracuse University Press, 2007). He continues to devote himself to full time teaching, writing and dissemination of the CAVE model. Since 1990 he also has worked in partnership with Professor Krystine Batcho, Professor of Psychology, to study the relationships between values education and development and the development and enhancement of spirituality in higher education students. He currently serves as Chair of the College Committee on Rank and Tenure.

While director of CAVE he coordinated conversations and development with both values education and the spiritual dimensions of higher education working with foundations, professional associations, colleges and universities, professional schools nationally and internationally in Europe, Asia, and South America. In addition to his classroom responsibilities he coordinated both the Center’s internal and external growth, including the major fund raising efforts, work with the Board of Directors. He also initiated the spiritual dimensions of higher education with Professor Krystine Batcho. He also worked to develop a vision plan for the Center as a source for the dissemination of findings connected with the values work. He has extensive networks in public and private education and business related areas and he worked to disseminate the ideas in Europe, Asia, Mexico City and elsewhere.

Compass For Uncharted Lives: A Model for Values Education

"What a remarkable accomplishment and publication Kirby has provided for those interested in proven methods of values education for higher education today..." Jim Donovan, President & CEO, Donovan Management, Inc.

In the early 1980's he took a sabbatical year as a Fellow of the Woodstock Theological Center at Georgetown University. At that time his interests in the moral dimensions of the business enterprise developed into questions related to values and the culture of institutions. This led to his introduction to the work of the Society for Values in Higher Education who invited him to be part of a national project. During the mid 80's (1985-1987) he coordinated efforts with the Society for Values in Higher Education to develop the Values Audit process for colleges and universities. This effort with national funding successfully attempted to develop a way to determine and understand the gaps between the assertions and the reality in what institutions say as opposed to what they actually do in practice. The power of this experience taught Kirby that understanding the values of an institution is critical to establishing and maintaining the mission and identity of an institution.

Before coming to Le Moyne he taught at Canisius High School in Buffalo, N.Y. He is a member of the Society of Jesus (the Jesuits) and his studies at Fordham University (AB), Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs at Syracuse University (MA), Wood stock School of Theology (M.Div), and Union Theological Seminary, NYC (Ph.D.).

Don Kirby is a Jesuit of the New York Province, and an ordained Roman Catholic priest. In addition to writing articles and books, he has directed workshop and seminars, and has spoken at numerous campuses and keynoted conferences both nationally and internationally. He has served as a Trustee at Wadhams Hall Seminary College and serves of the Board of the Spiritual Renewal Center in Syracuse, N.Y.

Biographical Summary
Don Kirby has been a Jesuit of the New York Province since 1960, and an ordained priest since 1972. He is a Professor of Christian Ethics and Theology at Le Moyne College in Syracuse, New York. He was a cofounder and founding director of The Center for the Advancement of Values Education (CAVE) at Le Moyne College from 1988-2003.

Ph.D., Union Theological Seminary, New York City
M.Div., Woodstock College, Jesuit School of Theology, NYC
M.A., Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, Syracuse University
B.A., Fordham University, Bronx, New York

Research Interests
Christian Ethics, values education and values development, the values dimensions in one's personal and professional life, faculty and staff development, the spiritual dimension of values and human relationships, Christian faith experience, corporate responsibility.

Christian Ethics
Twentieth Century Catholic Moral Theology
Catholic Social Teaching
Corporate Responsibility
Contemporary Issues, Religion and Morality
Introduction to the Study of Religion

Selected Publications
Compass for Uncharted Lives: A Model for Values Education(Syracuse University Press, 2007)
Ambitious Dreams: The Values Program at le Moyne College(Sheed & Ward, 1990), Kirby et al.
"The Values Program at Le Moyne College," About Campus(2000)