Flavio Magistro

John M. McMahon, Ph. D.
Professor of Classics
LeMoyne College
Reilly Hall 211
Syracuse, NY 13214-1399
(315) 445-4730
University of
Pennsylvania: Ph.D., M.A. (Classical Studies)
SUNY Albany: M.A. (Latin)
Adelphi University: B.A. (Classics)
Special Interests:
- Latin
Language and Literature
- Ancient
Natural History, especially botany and astronomy
- Roman
Civilization and Archaeology
Current Projects:
In Print:
- "Central by Nature: Taking Classics Beyond the Textual Margins" in Jesuit Education and the Classics. ed. Cueva, E., S. Byrne and F. Benda. (Newcastle: 2009): 83-101
- Biographical
Encyclopedia of Astronomers
(Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer Verlag, 2007): Articles on Homer, Hesiod, Vergil, Ovid, Theon of Alexandria,
Synesius of Cyrene, Dionysius Exiguus, Cassiodorus, and Severus Sebokht
- Museion Series III. Vol. 7.1 (2007): Review of A. C. Bowen and R. B. Todd, Cleomedes' Lectures on Astronomy
- Encylopedia of Society and Culture in the Ancient World (Oakland Park, FL: Schlager/Facts on File: 2007): "Astronomy: Rome"
- Amphora 4.1 (Spring 2005) Review of Bill Neal, Gardener's Latin
- Museion Series III. Vol 4.1 (2004): Review of Victoria Rimell, Petronius
and the Anatomy of Fiction
- "Ein
guter Lateinischer Poet: A Latin
Lyricist on the Colonial Pennsylvania Frontier" in Germania
latina - Latinitas teutonica: Politik, Wissenschaft, humanistische Kultur
vom spaeten Mittelalter bis in unsere Zeit. 2 vols. Ed. E. Kessler and H. C. Kuhn (Munich: 2003): 2.741-50
- Archaeoastronomy Vol. 16 (2001): Review
of Theony Condos, Star Myths of the Greeks and Romans: A Sourcebook
- Scholia
Reviews ns 11 (2002) 3: Review of John Raven, Plants and Plant Lore in
Ancient Greece
- Journal for the History of
Astronomy 32.2 (May, 2001):
Review of Emma Gee, Ovid, Aratus and Augustus:
Astronomy in Ovid's Fasti
- Encyclopedia
of the Ancient World (Salem Press,
2002): Articles on Horace, Petronius, and Longus
- Bryn
Mawr Classical Review (2000.09.19): Review of Laurin R. Johnson, Shining in the
Ancient Sea: The Astronomical Ancestry of Homer's Odyssey
- Bryn
Mawr Classical Review 99.9.19 (1999): Review of Patrica Jeskins, The Environment and the
Classical World
- Bryn
Mawr Classical Review 98.11.15 (1998):
Review of Catherine Connors, Petronius
the Poet: Verse and Literary Tradition in the Satyricon
- Paralysin Cave: Impotence, Perception, and Text in the
Satyrica of Petronius (Leiden:
Brill, 1998)
- Mnemosyne 50.1 (1997): "A
Petronian Parody at Sat. 14.2-14.3"
- Bryn
Mawr Classical Review 8.2.(1997): Review of Timothy Barnes (ed.), The Sciences
in Greco-Roman Society
- Newsletter
of the Classical Association of the Empire State 31.2 (Summer 1996):
"Cultivating Passion: Vegetables, Belief, and Sexuality"
- New
York Council for the Humanities "Lives Worth Knowing" Program
(Fall 1996): Discussion guide for Mary Renault's The
Nature of Alexander
- Journal
of American Folklore 109 (1996): Rev.of V. S. Jenkins, The Lawn: A History of an
American Obsession
- Newsletter
of the Classical Association of the Empire State 30.2 (Spring 1995):
"Trees: Living Links to the Classical Past"
- Bryn
Mawr Classical Review 6.5 (1995): Rev. of M. Janan, When the Lamp is Shattered:
Desire and Narrative in Catullus
- Bryn
Mawr Classical Review 6.3 (1995): Rev. of G. M. Seligson,Greek for Reading
- The
Garlic Press 21 (Summer 1994): "Not Just Another Pretty Scape: Garlic's Ancient
Serpent Connection"
- Bryn
Mawr Classical Review 5.4 (1994): Rev. of J. D. Hughes, Pan's Travail: Environmental
Problems of the Ancient Greeks and Romans
- Society for Ancient
Medicine Review 21 (1993): Review of
Christopher Hobbs, "Garlic-the Pungent Panacea," Pharmacy in
History 34.3 (1992)
Papers, Lectures, Panel Presentations:
- Jesuit Education and the Classics Conference (Xavier University, 11/4-6/05): "Central by Nature: Taking Classics Beyond the Textual Margins"
- Classical Association of the Empire State 41st Annual Institute (10/22-23/04): Workshop organizer and presenter: "Astronomical Resources for the Latin Classroom" (illustrated)
- Classical
Association of the Atlantic States Fall 2003 Meeting (10/03): "The De
astronomia of Hyginus: an Ideal
Beginning Latin Prose Text"
and History Slide Show sponsored by the Town
of Tully, NY (6/22/03): Invited panelist and speaker on "Marcus
Tullius Cicero: Life and Times"
- Classical
Association of the Atlantic States Spring 2002 Meeting (4/02): Invited
presenter/panelist (on Roman sites in Germany) for "Beyond
'Capitalism': Visiting Ancient Roman Sites Outside the Urbs Aeterna"
- Seminar
fuer Geistesgeschichte und Philosophie der Renaissance im
Philosophie-Department Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet Muenchen: Germania latina -
Latinitas teutonica (9/10-13, 2001): "Ein
guter Lateinischer Poet: A Latin Lyricist on the Colonial Pennsylvania
- Classical
Association of the Atlantic States Spring 2001 Meeting (4/01): Invited
presenter/panelist for the "Round Table for New - and Innovative -
Latin Teachers"
- Syracuse Astronomical Society
(1/01): "The Calendar from Observation to Calculation"
- Classical
Association of the Atlantic States Fall 2000 Meeting(10/00): Invited
presenter for "Building on Pedagogical Excellence: American
Philogical Association Teaching Award Winners and their Collaboration with
Secondary School Teachers" (with Latin teacher Mary Miggins of East
Syracuse-Minoa High School)
- Syracuse Astronomical Society
(3/00): "Stars, Sun, and Salvation: Astronomical Symbolism in the
Mithraic Mysteries"
- American
Association for Neo-Latin Studies panel, American Philological Association
(12/98): "De Christiano Wedstedio poeta
Latino carminibusque eius" (abstract)
- Society
for Textual Scholarship (4/97):"Neo-Latin Verse in Colonial
- Classical
Association of the Midwest and South (4/96):"Paralysin Cave: Folk Medicinal Elements in the Satyricon"
- Classical
Association of the Empire State (10/95):"Cultivating Passion:
Vegetables, Belief, and Sexuality"
- American
Philogical Association (12/94): "The Botany of Bedlam: Some Classical
Plants Associated with Madness"
- Classical
Association of the Empire State (10/94): "Trees: Living Links to the
Classical Past" (Included in the 1996-1998 New York Council for the
Humanities Speakers in the Humanities Program Catalogue)
- American
Philological Association (12/93): "Vegetables, Vipers and Virility:
The Subtext of Horace Epode Three"
- International
Association of Word and Image Studies, Third International Congress
(8/93):"Visible Virility: Image, Metaphor and the Genus Allium"
- Classical
Association of the Atlantic States (10/92): "Amatory Control and
Submission in Catullan Lyric"
- University of Pennsylvania / Morris
Arboretum (9/92): "Arboretum Classics: Trees in Greek and Roman
- Classical
Association of the Atlantic States (4/92): "The Imagery of Garlic in
- American
Philological Association (12/91): "Streetwise: Petronius' Cynic
- Classical
Association of the Atlantic States (4/91): "ektopos aroura: Deianira's Imagery of Self"
Awards / Honors / Fellowships:
- Le
Moyne College: Nominee / Finalist, Rev. Msgr. A. Robert Casey Teacher of
the Year Award (2001-2002)
- American
Philological Association: APA Excellence in Teaching Award (1998)
- Le
Moyne College: Rev. Richard M. McKeon, S.J. Scholar of the Year Award
- Nature
in Legend and Story (NILAS): Elected to Board of Directors (1997); Served:
- Le
Moyne College Research and Development Stipend (1996): Indexing of Paralysin
- Le Moyne
College: Faculty Senate Summer Research Stipend:"Neo-Latin Mansucript
Materials from a Colonial American Collection" (1995)
- University
of Pennsylvania:
Mellon Dissertation Fellowship
University Fellowship (1991-92)
Mellon Dissertation Workshop (Summer 1991)
Pepper Fellowship (1990-91)
Department of Classical Studies Graduate Fellowships (1988-90)
- Herb Society of America: Research
and Education Grant (1991-1992)
Summer Seminar for Secondary School Teachers (Sum. 1984)
- Fulbright
Grant: American Academy / Vergilian Society (Sum. 1983, 1984) [declined]
Albany: Department of Classics Teaching Fellowship (1977-79)
College / University Level Course Experience in Classics:
- Latin
and Greek Languages and Literatures (Elementary / Intermediate Levels)
- Latin:
Cicero, Nepos, Livy, Catullus, Vergil, Horace, Petronius, Seneca,
Suetonius, Pliny
- Greek:
- Latin
and Greek Etymology
- Classical
- Classical Literature in Translation: Tragedy, Comedy,
Epic, Lyric
Service Activities:
- Le
Moyne College Scholar of the Year Committee (1999, 2000, 2001)
- Le
Moyne College Faculty Senate Divisional Representative (1997-99,
1999-2001, 2001-2002)
- Le
Moyne College Faculty Senate Curriculum Committee: At-Large Representative
- Le
Moyne College Faculty Senate Elections Committee (Chair: 1995-97)
- Le
Moyne College Jubilee Year Academic Programming Subcommittee (Co-chair:
- Women
Studies Program Curriculum Committee (1995-96 / 1997-98 / 1998-99)
- Societas
Classica Lemoynensis (Faculty Sponsor)
- Association
of Teachers of Latin around Syracuse (ATLAS)
Related Community Service Activities:
- Town
of Tully (NY): Zoning Board of Appeals (appointed: 2000-05; re-appointed: 2006-2010)
- Town of
Tully Comprehensive Plan, Environment and Recreation Subcommittee
(appointed 11/02)
- Syracuse Astronomical Society:
Board of Directors: Publicity and Public Outreach (2000-2003; 2006-2010); Liason to Local Community 2006 - present)
- Co-founder (1999) and board member (1999-2009) of SELENE (Sensible and Efficient Lighting
to Enhance the Nighttime Environment), an educational organization that
advocates for the reduction of excessive and wasteful outdoor illumination
(light pollution) and its adverse effects on
nocturnal ecosystems, on the environment and on human awareness of the
night sky.
- Lectures:
- In Print: