December 28, 2007
I know that it has been
very quiet around here for the last year and a half. It has been an
extremely busy time for me and I have simply not had the free time to
devote to this resource as I had previously. I would note that the APA
Council of Representatives WILL be weighing whether to authorize a
two-year candidacy period for a new Division for Qualitative Inquiry at
its February, 2008 meeting. More than 850 Members and Fellows of APA
signed a petition asking to establish such a division.
I am also working on a
book on the Narrative Perspective in Psychology which I hope will
appear sometime in late 2009. In the meantime, I am also hoping to
convert this resource at some point into a more easily postable format.
Finally, I am redesigning
my entire Le Moyne web page and will be gathering all the materials for
Narrative Psychology into a new folder. So, there will be a need to
re-enter old links. I will post a generic re-direct page to alert
browsers to this change.
APA Members: Help Establish a Division for Qualitative Inquiry
If you are
a member (Fellow, Member, Associate, Student, or Foreign Affiliate) of
the American Psychological Association, please consider helping us
establish a new Division for Qualitative Inquiry by
clicking on this link (will open in a new browser page). It
will display a page describing how you can help and let you download a
copy of the signature card necessary to petition APA to establish such
a division. Thank you for considering this opportunity.
Link for
Establishing a Division for Qualitative Inquiry
September 3, 2005
Note: Following Ted
Sarbin's death, his family and colleagues issued a set of obituary
notes that provide a good overview of his personal and professional
life. These notes along with notice of other published obituaries are
available online here.
Asimov, N. (2005,
September 3). Theodore Sarbin -- 'don't ask, don't tell' Figure. San
Francisco Chronicle. [Link]
Parsons, L. (2005,
September 2, 2005). Social psychology pioneer dies at 94. (Online). Monterey
County Herald. [Link]
August 31, 2005
Theodore Roy
Sarbin (1911-2005) R.I.P.
Ted Sarbin, one of the principal founders of narrative psychology,
died early on the morning of August 31, 2005. At his death, Ted was 94
years old and had participated less than two weeks earlier in the
meeting of the American Psychological Assocation in Washington, DC.
There he presented the first Theodore R. Sarbin Award for Narrative
Psychology to Prof. Jefferson
Singer (Connecticut College) on behalf of Division 24,
Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology, of the APA. He also
participated as a discussant in a two-hour symposium on "Narrative
Psychology: The State of the Art" with Dan McAdams, Michael Bamberg,
Ruthellen Josselson, and Mary and Ken Gergen with Donald Polkinghorne
serving as a co-discussant (see photo below). The photo above on the
right was taken at APA on August 18, 2005 and the photo on the left at
APA in 1996. R.I.P.
June 7, 2005
Regular visitors may have
noticed that additions to the site have slowed in the last year and a
half. This has been due mostly to an overwhelming set of other
obligations which have demanded my attention in recent years. For
example, in the past two years, my teaching schedule at Le Moyne has
included four new course preparations. I have also been involved
heavily in promoting electronic forms of scholarship via the Society
for the Teaching of Psychology, Division 2 of APA. We have
completed online publication of five volumes relating to teaching and
two more are in the editorial pipeline for publication by the Fall,
2005. I have served as an editor for all these publications. One of my
multiple course preparations has been an online graduate offering
called The
Narrative Perspective which Michael Bamberg (Clark
University) and I have put together and are now teaching for the second
year. It forms one element of an innovative online educational effort
organized by Prof. Andy Lock at Massey University, New Zealand, leading
to a post-graduate diploma in
the "discursive therapies." During the coming academic year
(2005-2006), I will be on sabbatical leave from Le Moyne to work at
Clark University on a book relating to that graduate course. Further,
I've been appointed as an associate editor of a new electronic venture,
the International
Journal for Dialogical Science, under the general
editorship of Hubert Hermans (Radboud University, Nijmegen,
Netherlands). We expect to publish our first issue in the late Fall,
2005. All of these factors suggest that visitors will continue to see
relatively few changes or additions here over the next year or so.
However, as important works relating to narrative come across my desk,
I will add them to this site.
At the conclusion of my
sabbatical and my return to Le Moyne, I may move to refashion this site
from an html/webpage format to one employing wiki technology -- one
which I believe may be far easier to edit. If you have any suggestions
or comments about such a plan, please share them with me.
May 6, 2004
I've decided to remove
the icon & link to my weblog, Storied Conduct, from this
page. I have not had the time to contribute to it regularly and, when I
do post there, my comments tend to be more personal or political rather
than scholarly.
In mid-April, I attended
the inaugural meeting of the Narrative Consortium in
Worcester, MA. Convened by Michael Bamberg of Clark University and Mark
Freeman of the College of the Holy Cross, this consortium will be
comprised of graduate and undergraduate schools which have faculty
whose scholarly interests meet at the intersection of narrative and the
social sciences, particularly psychology. Jerry
Bruner and his wife and colleague at NYU, Carol Feldman, gave a
lecture and conducted a seminar for guests at the Worcester gathering.
Over the coming year, participants at the consortium's initial meeting
will fashion a more formal organization and implement plans to advance
a number of both pedagogical and scholarly objectives agreed upon in
Worcester. For the foreseeable future, I'll serve as a webmaster for
the Consortium's online site.
March 3, 2004
More and more online
sites are archiving video clips of interest to narrative psychologists.
These will be noted by use of the following TV icon among the resources:
![[TV Icon]](../../Hevern%20Online%20%28New%29/*narpsych/nargifs/tv.gif)
July 12, 2003
The section providing an Introduction and
General Overiew has been expanded to incorporate new data on the
publication of narrative-related research during the period 1960-2001.
This substantially expands upon the earlier (1996) report for the
period 1979-1995 which first established the turn to narrative research
in the 1980s. These new data confirm an accelerting interest within the
research community of psychology and the other social sciences in the
period since 1985.
June 6, 2003
I have reorganized the Theorists
& Key Figures materials extensively. This subpage now serves as
an index of names with links to specific entries for each theorist or
key figure. These have been spread across six subpages which separate
the names alphabetically ( A
U V W X Y Z). It was becoming clear to me that this guide
needed far more than a single page if I were to fashion short
bio-bibliographical entries for each of 100 or more individuals. I
expect to work on these pages for at least the next six to 12 months in
order to complete entries about each figure.
May 29, 2003
The subpage on Management,
Business, Public Administration, and Advertising has been dropped.
The URL <>
is working and will bring browsers to this page. In most browsers,
simply typing the phrase NarrativePsychology (without the space between
words) will effectively summon this page.
May 28, 2003
The rights to the domain
name, NarrativePsychology.Com,
came available today and I secured that name for use by this site. I've
set up a forwarding notice at my ISP and, beginning tomorrow, users
should be able to type that name in their web browser to arrive here.
Beginning in 2003, I began to use NarrativePsych.Com as the
overall name for this site and will continue to do so for now.
Technically, either domain name (NarrativePsychology or NarrativePsych)
can also be used with the extensions .org or
.info in order to arrive here as well.
May 20, 2003
As I continue to assemble
materials for the Documentary
Studies, Journalism, and Non-Fiction subpage, I will be adding
selected annotated documentary resources to other sections of this
guide. These will include various forms of personal narrative writing
and documentary constructions. Two icons will signal these additions:
Online diary or
Radio-based documentary or sound resources
May 12, 2003
Having added a small
section on journalism in March, 2003, I've refocused and expanded that
subpage to include documentary studies. The entire section is now
entitled Documentary
Studies, Journalism, and Non-Fiction. Part of the motivation for
this change relates to extensive work I did over the past week in
identifying the growing number of documentary audio sites across the
Internet. I've also decided to consolidate the resources I had been
assembling on my Personal
Documentary site to this locale and to discontinue any further
development of that site. I expect to add some type of subpage here
devoted to the presentation of self via documentary sources on the
Internet but have not yet thought out the parameters of that effort
sufficiently to do so now.
April 30, 2003
I have previously
considered my weblog, Storied
Conduct, as a sometime companion to this site. In doing so, I have
tended to limit the topics there to issues with some relationship to
the scholarly theme of narrative. However, as the months have passed
by, I have become more interested in using Storied
Conduct as a more personal weblog rather than one tied solely to
this venue. So, I am announcing that the focus of Storied
Conduct will now include interests and commentary beyond narrative
per se.
March 21, 2003
A new section has been
added to the Topics in Other Disciplines: Journalism
& Non-Fiction. This section highlights what has been called
"narrative journalism" or a focus upon storytelling within the context
of newspapers and other media. The general thrust of this section
accommodates the overall documentary tradition in both print and visual
January 2003
Happy New Year!
With the coming of
January 1, this site completes its 7th and enters its 8th year online.
To the more than 100,000 past visitors to this site and those in the
years ahead, welcome!
Past visitors may have noticed the recent
appearance of the icon (shown on the left) and the name, Narrativepsych.Com.
I secured this domain name some months ago in 2002 and have set the URL
to point directly to this page on the Le Moyne College server. I hope
that this shortened address may be helpful for those visitors who have
found the full Le Moyne URL just a bit too daunting. I am slowly
incorporating this icon on the subpages here as they are updated.
Though I announced the
appearance of a weblog this past Fall (Storied
Conduct), I have been having some difficulty with the page's
design elements and have not been updating it very much. I hope to
return to more regularly blogging in the Spring.
Finally, I should mention
that I personally work almost exclusively in a Mac environment and
sometimes fail to recognize that the perfection I find doing so does
not always translate in the Wintel world. So, it was only during this
past Christmas holiday that I found how poorly this page with its new
icon was displaying on a PC. I corrected this today and beg your pardon
for any difficulties you encountered here over past months.
August 2002
begun an occasional weblog called Storied
Conduct. It will contain suggested online links and provide
notices of interest regarding narrative in psychology.
the publication of the 5th edition of the APA Publication Manual, those
who use this reference and wish to cite it may consider using the
following form for the citation:
This web reference as a
Hevern, V. W. (2002,
August). Narrative psychology: Internet and resource
guide. Retrieved [enter
date] from the Le Moyne College Web site:
Subpage within this site:
Hevern, V. W. (2002,
August). [Insert
subpage name, e.g., Personality, Psychobiography, and Psychology of the
Life Story.] Narrative
psychology: Internet and resource guide. Retrieved [enter date] from the Le Moyne
College Web site: [insert subpage URL. Do not end with a period.]
The date following the
author name should be checked against the month of the last update of
that subpage and adjusted accordingly.
July 2002
Renamed the
"Psychobiography and Biographical Psychology" subpage as "Personality, Psychobiography, and
Psychology of the Life Story" in order to emphasize the importance
of contemporary narrative appraoches to the study of personality (e.g.,
the work of Dan McAdams).
October 2001
The Personal Documentary
Center site link has been changed to this new URL: <>
from original site on a server at Earthlink.
September 1999
Having returned from
Santa Clara University where I was on sabbatical during 1998-1999, I've
placed a formal link above to the correlative site I worked on in the
last half-year: The Personal
Documentary Center. [Note: changed URL in 10/01; see above]. Here browsers may ind Internet-based
personal documents (stories, diaries, essays, etc.) and explore what
may be called a "documentary" as well as cyber- psychology (psychology
of the Internet)
February, 1999
I am slowly working
through the pages -- adding new resources and checking links which may
no longer work or have changed. It is a laborious task.
January, 1999
This page has been
incorporated as a related project within the activities of the Virtual
Faculty (see links at the VF site maintained by Andrew Lock,
Psychology Department at Massey University (New Zealand).
March 29, 1998
Data collection
in the online survey of Narrative Psychology users has been completed
after 14 months. The results of this survey will be reported at the
August, 1998 convention of the American Psychological Association in
San Francisco. Copies of the results will not be available until that
Appreciation is expressed once again to the more than 1200 browsers of
this resource who completed the online survey form.
February, 1998
Added WebSideStory
HitBOX counter to site. WebCounter total hits stood at 16388 at
time of installation.
December, 1997

Psychology: Internet and Resource Guide has been selected as one of the best sites on the Web by Lycos TOP 5%. The
full review of this site by Lycos can be accessed at this
November, 1997
This site was first put online in late January, 1996 at
the same time that the PSY 444 Narrative Psychology seminar was first
offered at LeMoyne College. During its first twenty-two months of
development, this site had been constructed along two separate lines --
one emphasizing Internet resources and the other comprising a set of
printed bibliographical resources.
This site was reconfigured completely on November 21, 1997 when the
current unified set of resources devoted to Narrative Psychology was initially uploaded. A separate
bibliographical guide to narrative resources will no longer be