Philosophic Thought of the Middle Ages (PHL 314)
Syllabus and some notes on the assignments
[Philosophic Thought of the Middle AgesSyllabus]Some Jewish Medieval Philosophers
[lecture notes on Saadia Gaon][notes on Maimonides/RAMBAM (1135-1204)][Maimonides on the Foundations of Torah from theMishneh Torah (approx. 70K.) ][Some More Jewish Philosophical Links]Some Islamic Philosophers
[lecture notes for Al-Gazali material inHyman and Walsh][Some More Islamic Philosophical Links]
Some Christian Medieval Philosophers
[Augustine and Boethius Links][Richard Murdey's Erigena papers][Catholic Encyclopediaarticle on St. Bonaventure][Anselm's Ontological Argument][Abelarde and Heloise Links] [CatholicEncyclopedia: Thomas Aquinas, Saint (approx. 77K.)][St. ThomasAquinas: SummaTheologica][Links to Information on Ockham]
Classics and Classical Languages Resources
Le Moyne Prof. John McMahon's "Classic" home page[Some information on the Latin/Greek Institute, Brooklyn College and CUNY's Summer Institute for intensive Latin and Greek Study]Back to M. Kagan'spage