Doña Gumersinda Goicoechea by Goya


Puntos en breve by Knorre, Dorwick, Pérez-Gironés, Glass, and Villarreal McGraw Hill 2007 (Second edition)

Workbook, Laboratory Manual by Arana, Arana, and Sabló-Yates McGraw Hill 2007 (Second edition)

This course will provide an introduction to the Spanish language and cultures of the Spanish-speaking world. Through class activities and homework assignments, students will begin to develop speaking, listening, reading and writing skills in Spanish. In addition, they will explore diverse ways of life as they examine the people and cultures of Spanish-speaking countries.


• Develop communicative (speaking and listening) skills in Spanish so as to be able to carry on simple conversations with others
• Develop basic reading and writing skills in Spanish, so as to be able to read short texts and write simple paragraphs
• Develop an awareness of, and appreciation for, the cultures of the Spanish-speaking world
• Deepen your understanding of the English language and grammar through the study of Spanish


1. In order to pass this course, the student must show an ability to carry on the following communicative and grammatical functions in both oral and written forms:
- narrate in the present tense
- elicit and provide basic information by asking and answering questions appropriately
- describe people, places, and things through proper adjective agreement and use of ser / estar
- describe one's daily routine
- express negation
- make simple comparisons
- discuss likes and dislikes
2. The student must show knowledge of the appropriate vocabulary so as to be able to carry on a simple conversation and/or answer questions about the following topics: greetings and farewells; telling time; the calendar; the university and courses of study; family members; clothing; daily routine; parts of the house; and the weather.
3. The student must show understanding of Spanish through successful performance on reading and listening comprehension tasks.
4. The student must show an awareness of cultural elements of Spanish-speaking peoples through participation in course discussions and demonstrated understanding of the course readings and video presentations.


1. Classwork
The course will be conducted in Spanish, but the grammar will be explained in English. Class activities are in Spanish and students are expected to participate very actively. Accuracyis essential in oral and written work. Students must come to class well prepared: t he new vocabulary should be memorized, the grammar studied, the written assignments written and handed in on the stipulated day, and the readings read at least three times. In order to complete the listening comprehension exercises, you will need to use the textbook website www.mhhe.com/peb2.

2. Absences
Attendance in class is required. Any absence will lower the weekly grade given for oral participation and performance, and a maximum of five absences is allowed before the final grade is lowered. Absences due to illness and/or emergency may be excused with appropriate documentation.

3. Speaking, listening and reading objectives will be assessed by in-class oral participation, dialogue between students (group work), and dialogue between students and teacher. A grade will be given for every class meeting for oral participation and performance, and there will be an oral interview in the final exam.

4. Writing, listening and reading objectives will be assessed by written homework, five class exams and the final exam.
An exam will be given at the end of each chapter. There will be plus and minus grades. For example, B+ will correspond to 87 to 90, B to 83 to 87, and B- to 80 to 83. There are no make-ups, except in emergencies. If sick (appropriate documentation is needed), students should call me the same day the exam is given so that an exam is rescheduled for them.

The final examination is comprehensive. It will include an oral interview and a composition. It will be held on Monday December 10 from 9:00 to 11:30 A.M.


The final grade is made up as follows:
Oral participation and performance in class 20%
Written assignments 5%
Exams 50%
Final exam 25%


In coordination with the Academic Support Center (ASC), reasonable accommodations are provided for qualified students with disabilities. Please make every attempt to meet with me within the first week of class so that your accommodations can be provided in a timely manner.

Mrs. Goodisman
Office: Grewen Hall, 127
Tel.: 445-4222
email: goodisma@lemoyne.edu
Office hours: M.W.F. 12:30 A.M.- 1:20 P.M, and by appointment

Le Moyne Sites:
[WWW.LeMoyne.Edu] [Webserver.LeMoyne.Edu]

Created: 11/1/96 Updated: 1/17/05