May 2006 | |
five-couple mixer; set as shown at right | |
16 bars of 5/4 | |
Music: Take Five by Paul Desmond | |
Warning: This dance has not been tried out with actual dancers. So far it exists only in my mind. If anyone tries it out, please let me know how it goes! |
A1 | Rings of five circle left once around. All (except centers) half poussette neighbor while center couple right shoulders round once and a half. |
A2 | Rings of five circle right once around. All (except centers) half poussette neighbor while center couple left-shoulder right shoulders round once and a half. |
B1 | Four changes of rights and lefts, beginning with partner by right up and down set. See notes below. |
B2 | All set to next person up and down the set, turn single, and two-hand turn. |