Gently Waking

Summer 2014
Gently Waking (summer 2014)
Longways proper
32 bars of 4/4
Music: "Air" by Barbara Dyskant
 A1 First corners, set (advancing), turn single, and dance back to back
Second corners, set, turn single, and dance back to back [all home]
 A2 All set (advancing) toward center, turn single, and circle left
Keeping hands, set left then right, turn single left, and circle right. [all home]
 B1 Full poussette counterclockwise [all home]
Gent one, cast down and cross set WHILE partner follows (crossing then dancing down) and twos lead up
Lady two, cast down and cross set WHILE partner follows (crossing then dancing down) and ones lead up [all improper, not progressed]
 A3 Partners set, turn single, and back to back
Two changes of rights and lefts, with hands; partners two-hand turn.
