As described in the 10/16/07 A&S chairs' meeting, the following are available to assist in your
SLA activities:
• I am happy to come to department meetings and/or meet with individuals or SLA committees
• Advisory board: Barnello (LIB), Beaty (CHM/PHY), Lepak (MGT), Novak (ENG)
Student Research Assistants
For departments, programs and individuals who would like assistance in their work on student learning assessment, the Research Assistant program, under the direction and supervision of the Assistant to the Provost for Student Learning Assessment, offers the following services.
1. help to devise instruments that will produce data that allows the unit to measure the effectiveness of their student learning assessment goals; examples include but are not limited to, surveys, interview schedules, ruberics for content analysis, etc.
2. help to create a sample of individuals from whom assessment data will be collected
3. help to collect data using instruments that have already been created or that we help you create
4. help to analyze the data that you have already collected or that we collect for you
5. help to write reports on the data
Program: Research Assistants for SLA
Deadline: on-going
How: emailed to
Seed money for SLA workshops/retreats
Departments that need support for SLA activities may submit a request for seed money that would be used for department retreats or other activities where SLA work would be done. Applicants should submit a proposal and a budget showing sources of matching funds. Proposals should indicate how the funding will establish an on-going and self-sustaining SLA activity.
Proposals will be considered on an on-going bases as long as funds are available.
What: seed money for SLA activities.
Deadline: on-going
How: emailed to
Summer Stipend Program for SLA Work
While assessment should always be viewed as work that the entire department should be invested in and contributing toward, the reality is often that certain tasks might be most efficiently done by one person. This program is designed to help compensate both the individual for time spent doing the department’s assessment work and expenses incurred.
Applications should include:What: proposals should include a description of the work to be done and a budget associated with this work. Please complete a coversheet to accompany your narrative. The narrative should include a budget that may compensate the faculty member up to $2500 for her/his time plus expenses for materials. Support for student assistance may be made through the SLA Research Assistants program but should not be included here.
Program: summer stipend for SLA
Deadline: February 15
How: emailed to
A link for this program is also available on the Faculty Committee for Research and Development's webpage.