Nine Principles of Good Practice for Assessing Student Learning
Authors: American Association for Higher Education (AAHE)
Keywords: Assessment, learning, principles
Article style and source: Published on ultiBASE with permission from the AAHE.
Nine Principles of Good Practice for Assessing Student Learning
- The assessment of student learning begins with educational values.
Assessment is not an end in itself but a vehicle for educational
improvement. Its effective practice, then, begins with and enacts a
vision of the kinds of learning we most value for students and strive
to help them achieve. Educational values should drive not only what we
choose to assess but also how we do so. Where questions about
educational mission and values are skipped over, assessment threatens
to be an exercise in measuring what's easy, rather than a process of
improving what we really care about.
- Assessment is
most effective when it reflects an understanding of learning as
multidimensional, integrated, and revealed in performance over time.
Learning is a complex process. It entails not only what students know
but what they can do with what they know; it involves not only
knowledge and abilities but values, attitudes, and habits of mind that
affect both academic success and performance beyond the classroom.
Assessment should reflect these understandings by employing a diverse
array of methods, including those that call for actual performance,
using them over time so as to reveal change, growth, and increasing
degrees of integration. Such an approach aims for a more complete and
accurate picture of learning, and therefore firmer bases for improving
our students' educational experience.
- Assessment works best when the programs it seeks to improve have clear, explicitly stated purposes.
Assessment is a goal-oriented process. It entails comparing educational
performance with educational purposes and expectations -- those derived
from the institution's mission, from faculty intentions in program and
course design, and from knowledge of students' own goals. Where program
purposes lack specificity or agreement, assessment as a process pushes
a campus toward clarity about where to aim and what standards to apply;
assessment also prompts attention to where and how program goals will
be taught and learned. Clear, shared, implementable goals are the
cornerstone for assessment that is focused and useful.
- Assessment requires attention to outcomes but also and equally to the experiences that lead to those outcomes.
Information about outcomes is of high importance; where students "end
up" matters greatly. But to improve outcomes, we need to know about
student experience along the way -- about the curricula, teaching, and
kind of student effort that lead to particular outcomes. Assessment can
help us understand which students learn best under what conditions;
with such knowledge comes the capacity to improve the whole of their
- Assessment works best when it is ongoing not episodic.
Assessment is a process whose power is cumulative. Though isolated,
"one-shot" assessment can be better than none, improvement is best
fostered when assessment entails a linked series of activities
undertaken over time. This may mean tracking the process of individual
students, or of cohorts of students; it may mean collecting the same
examples of student performance or using the same instrument semester
after semester. The point is to monitor progress toward intended goals
in a spirit of continuous improvement. Along the way, the assessment
process itself should be evaluated and refined in light of emerging
- Assessment fosters wider improvement when representatives from across the educational community are involved.
Student learning is a campus-wide responsibility, and assessment is a
way of enacting that responsibility. Thus, while assessment efforts may
start small, the aim over time is to involve people from across the
educational community. Faculty play an especially important role, but
assessment's questions can't be fully addressed without participation
by student-affairs educators, librarians, administrators, and students.
Assessment may also involve individuals from beyond the campus
(alumni/ae, trustees, employers) whose experience can enrich the sense
of appropriate aims and standards for learning. Thus understood,
assessment is not a task for small groups of experts but a
collaborative activity; its aim is wider, better-informed attention to
student learning by all parties with a stake in its improvement.
- Assessment makes a difference when it begins with issues of use and illuminates questions that people really care about.
Assessment recognizes the value of information in the process of
improvement. But to be useful, information must be connected to issues
or questions that people really care about. This implies assessment
approaches that produce evidence that relevant parties will find
credible, suggestive, and applicable to decisions that need to be made.
It means thinking in advance about how the information will be used,
and by whom. The point of assessment is not to gather data and return
"results"; it is a process that starts with the questions of
decision-makers, that involves them in the gathering and interpreting
of data, and that informs and helps guide continuous improvement.
- Assessment is most likely to lead to improvement when it is part of a larger set of conditions that promote change.
Assessment alone changes little. Its greatest contribution comes on
campuses where the quality of teaching and learning is visibly valued
and worked at. On such campuses, the push to improve educational
performance is a visible and primary goal of leadership; improving the
quality of undergraduate education is central to the institution's
planning, budgeting, and personnel decisions. On such campuses,
information about learning outcomes is seen as an integral part of
decision making, and avidly sought.
- Through assessment, educators meet responsibilities to students and to the public.
There is a compelling public stake in education. As educators, we have
a responsibility to the publics that support or depend on us to provide
information about the ways in which our students meet goals and
expectations. But that responsibility goes beyond the reporting of such
information; our deeper obligation -- to ourselves, our students, and
society -- is to improve. Those to whom educators are accountable have
a corresponding obligation to support such attempts at improvement.
Alexander W. Astin; Trudy W. Banta; K. Patricia Cross; Elaine
El-Khawas; Peter T. Ewell; Pat Hutchings; Theodore J. Marchese; Kay M.
McClenney; Marcia Mentkowski; Margaret A. Miller; E. Thomas Moran;
Barbara D. Wright This document was developed under the auspices of the
AAHE Assessment Forum (Barbara Cambridge,, is
Director) with support from the Fund for the Improvement of
Post-Secondary Education with additional support for publication and
dissemination from the Exxon Education Foundation. Copies may be made
without restriction.
AAHE site maintained by: Mary C. Schwarz,
Modification Date: Thursday, July 25, 1996.
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