New Names | Ancient Names |
ACETATS | SALTS formed by the union of the acetic acid or radical vinegar, with different bases |
Acetat aluminous, or Acetat of alumine | |
Acetat ammoniacal, or Acetat of ammoniac [1] | |
[p. 106] Acetat of arsenic | |
Acetat of barytes | |
Acetat of bismuth | |
Acetat of cobalt | |
Acetat of copper | |
Acetat of gold | |
Acetat of iron | |
Acetat of lead | |
Acetat of lime | |
Acetat of magnesia | |
Acetat of manganese | |
Acetat of mercury | |
Acetat of molybden | |
Acetat of nickel | |
Acetat of platina | |
Acetat of potash | |
[p. 107] Acetat of silver | |
Acetat of soda | |
Acetat of tin | |
Acetat of tunstein | |
Acetat of zink | |
Acetites | Salts formed by the union of the acetous acid, or distilled vinegar, with different bases |
Acetite aluminous | Acetated clay |
Acetite ammoniacal | Mindererus's spirit |
Acetite of antimony | |
Acetite of arsenic | |
Acetite of barytes | |
Acetite of bismuth | |
Acetite of cobalt | |
Acetite of copper | Crystals of Venus |
Acetite of gold | |
Acetite of iron | |
Acetite of lead | Sugar of lead Super-acetated lead |
[p. 108] Acetite of lime | |
Acetite of magnesia | Acetous salt of magnesia |
Acetite of manganese | |
Acetite of mercury | Foliated earth of mercury |
Acetite of molybden | |
Acetite of nickel | |
Acetite of platina | |
Acetite of potash | Foliated earth of tartar |
Acetite of silver | |
Acetite of soda | Mineral foliated earth |
Acetite of tin | |
Acetite of tunstein | |
Acetite of zink | Acetous salt of zink |
Acid acetic | Radical vinegar Spirit of Venus |
Acid acetous | Acetous acid Distilled vinegar |
Acid arsenic | Arsenical acid |
Acid benzoic | Acid of Benjamin |
[p. 109] Acid benzoic sublimated | Flowers of Benjamin |
Acid boracic | Volatile narcotic salt of vitroil [sic; should be vitriol] Sedative salt, acid of borax |
Acid bombic | Acid of silk worms |
Acid carbonic | Gas Sylvestre, of Van Helmont Spiritus Sylvestris Fixed air, of Dr Black Aerial acid Atmospheric acid Mephitic acid Cretaceous acid Acid of charcoal |
Acid citric | Lemon juice |
Acid fluoric | Fluoric acid Acid of spar |
Acid formic | Formic acid, acid of ants |
Acid gallic | Astringent principle Gallic acid |
Acid lactic | Sower whey, galactic acid |
Acid lithic | Acid of bezoar Lithiasic acid |
Acid malic | Acid of apples Mulusian acid |
Acid molybdic | Acid of molybden Acid of wolfram |
Acid muriatic | Acid of sea-salt Smoking spirit of salt Marine acid |
[p. 110] Acid muriatic oxygenated | Dephlogisticated marine acid Aerated marine acid |
Acid nitrous | Phlogisticated nitrous acid Smoking nitrous acid Smoking spirit of nitre |
Acid nitric | White nitrous acid Degazated nitrous acid Dephlogisticated nitrous acid |
Acid nitro-muriatic | Aqua regia Regaline acid |
Acid oxalic | Acid of sorrel Saccharine acid Acid of sugar |
Acid phosphorous | Volatile phosphoric acid |
Acid phosphoric | Acid of phosphorus |
Acid Prussic | Coloring matter of Prussian blue |
Acid pyro-ligneous | Empyreumatic acid spirit of box |
Acid pyro-mucous | Spirit of honey, of sugar, &c |
Acid pyro-tartareous | Spirit of tartar |
Acid saccho-lactic | Acid of the sugar of milk |
Acid sebacic | Acid of fat |
Acid succinic | Volatile salt of amber Acid of amber |
[p. 111] Acid sulphureous | Sulphureous acid Volatile sulphureous acid Phlogisticated vitriolic acid Spirit of sulphur |
Acid sulphuric | Acid of sulphur Vitriolic acid Oil of vitriol Spirit of vitriol |
Acid tartareous | Acid of tartar |
Acid tunstic | Acid of tungstein Acid of wolfram |
Affinity | Affinity |
Aggregation | Aggregation |
Air atmospherical | Atmospherical air |
Alkalies | Alkalies in general |
Alcohol | Spirit of wine Ardent spirits |
Alcohol of potash | Lily of Paracelsus Acrid tincture of tartar |
Alcohol nitric | Dulcified spirit of nitre |
Alcohols resinous | Spirituous tinctures |
Alloy, or allay | Alloy of metals |
Alumine | Earth of alum Basis of alum Pure argillous earth |
[p. 112] Amalgam | Amalgam |
Ammoniac | Volatile alkali caustic Fluor-volatile alkali Volatile spirit of sal ammoniac |
Antimony | Regulus of antimony |
Argile or clay, a mixture of alumine and silice | Clay or argillous earth |
Aroma | Odoriferous principle of flowers |
Arseniats | Arsenical salts |
Arseniat acidulous of potash | Arsenical neutral salt, of Macquer |
Arseniat of alumine | |
Arseniat of ammoniac | Arsenical ammoniac |
Arseniat of barytes | |
Arseniat of bismuth | |
Arseniat of cobalt | |
Arseniat of copper | |
Arseniat of gold | |
Arseniat of iron | |
Arseniat of lime | |
[p. 113] Arseniat of magnesia | |
Arseniat of manganese | |
Arseniat of mercury | |
Arseniat of molybden | |
Arseniat of nickel | |
Arseniat of platina | |
Arseniat of potash | |
Arseniat of silver | |
Arseniat of soda | |
Arseniat of tin | |
Arseniat of tunstein | |
Arseniat of zink |
New Names | Ancient Names |
Barytes | Ponderous earth Barytes Basis of ponderous spar |
Balsams | Buquet's balsams (resins united with a concrete acid salt) |
Benzoin | Benzoin or Benjamin |
[p. 114] Benzoats | Salts formed by the union of the benzoic acid with different bases. The salts of this genus have no appellations in the ancient nomenclature. |
Benzoat of alumine | |
Benzoat of ammoniac | |
Benzoat of antimony | |
Benzoat of arsenic | |
Benzoat of barytes | |
Benzoat of bismuth | |
Benzoat of cobalt | |
Benzoat of copper | |
Benzoat of gold | |
Benzoat of iron | |
Benzoat of lead | |
Benzoat of lime | |
Benzoat of magnesia | |
Benzoat of manganese | |
[p. 115] Benzoat of mercury | |
Benzoat of molybden | |
Benzoat of nickel | |
Benzoat of platina | |
Benzoat of potash | |
Benzoat of silver | |
Benzoat of soda | |
Benzoat of tin | |
Benzoat of tunstein | |
Benzoat of zink | |
Bismuth | Bismuth |
Bitumens | Bitumens |
Bombiats | Salts formed by the union of the bombic acid with different bases. This genus of salt had no appellation in the ancient nomenclature. |
Bombiat of alumine | |
Bombiat of ammoniac | |
[p. 116] Bombiat of antimony | |
Bombiat of arsenic | |
Bombiat of barytes | |
Bombiat of bismuth | |
Bombiat of cobalt | |
Bombiat of copper | |
Bombiat of gold | |
Bombiat of lead | |
Bombiat of iron | |
Bombiat of lime | |
Bombiat of magnesia | |
Bombiat of manganese | |
Bombiat of mercury | |
Bombiat of molybden | |
Bombiat of nickel | |
Bombiat of platina | |
Bombiat of potash | |
[p. 117] Bombiat of silver | |
Bombiat of soda | |
Bombiat of tin | |
Bombiat of tunstein | |
Bombiat of zink | |
Borat | Borax |
Borat aluminous | Argillous borax |
Borat ammoniacal | Ammoniacal borax Sedative sal ammoniac |
Borat of antimony | |
Borat of arsenic | |
Borat of barytes | |
Borat of bismuth | |
Borat of cobalt | |
Borat of copper | |
Borat of gold | |
Borat of iron | |
Borat of lead | |
[p. 118] Borat of lime | |
Borat of magnesia | Magnesian borax |
Borat of manganese | |
Borat of mercury | Mercurial borax Mercurial sedative salt |
Borat of molybden | |
Borat of nickel | |
Borat of platina | |
Borat of potash | Vegetable borax |
Borat of silver | |
Borat of soda | Common borax saturated with boracic acid |
Borat of tin | |
Borat of tunstein | |
Borat of zink | Borax of zink |
Borax of soda, or Borat sursaturated with soda | Rough borax Tinckal Crysocolla Borax of commerce Sub-boraxated mineral alkali |
New Names | Ancient Names |
Caloric | Latent heat Fixed heat Matter of heat |
Camphor | Camphor |
Camphorat | Salts [sic: plural --CJG]formed by the union of the camphoric acid with different bases. These salts were unknown to former chymists, and have no names in the ancient nomenclature. |
Camphorat of alumine | |
Camphorat of ammoniac | |
Camphorat of antimony | |
Camphorat of arsenic | |
Camphorat of barytes | |
Camphorat of bismuth | |
Camphorat of cobalt | |
Camphorat of copper | |
Camphorat of gold | |
[p. 120] Camphorat of iron | |
Camphorat of lead | |
Camphorat of lime | |
Camphorat of magnesia | |
Camphorat of manganese | |
Camphorat of mercury | |
Camphorat of molybden | |
Camphorat of nickel | |
Camphorat of platina | |
Camphorat of potash | |
Camphorat of silver | |
Camphorat of soda | |
Camphorat of tin | |
Camphorat of tunstein | |
Camphorat of zink | |
Carbon | Pure charcoal |
Carbonats | Salts formed by the union of the carbonic acid with bases |
[p. 121] Carbonat of alumine | Cretaceous argil |
Carbonat of ammoniac | Concrete volatile alkali Ammoniacal chalk |
Carbonat of antimony | |
Carbonat of arsenic | |
Carbonat of barytes | |
Carbonat of bismuth | |
Carbonat of cobalt | |
Carbonat of copper | |
Carbonat of gold | |
Carbonat of iron | Apperative saffron of mars Rust of iron Aerated iron Martial chalk Mephiticated iron |
Carbonat of lead | Chalk of lead Spathic lead |
Carbonat of lime | Chalk Lime-stone Aerated calcareous earth Calcareous spar Cream of lime Magnesian earth Magnesia alba, of the shops Bergman's aerated magnesia Cretaceous magnesia |
[p. 122] Carbonat of magnesia | Magnesian chalk Kirwan's muriatic earth Count de Palma's, and Sentinelli's powder |
Carbonat of manganese | |
Carbonat of mercury | |
Carbonat of molybden | |
Carbonat of nickel | |
Carbonat of platina | |
Carbonat of potash | Salt of tartar Vegetable fixed alkali Salt of worm-wood Aerated vegetable fixed alkali Cretaceous tartar Mephiticated tartar Nitre fixed by itself Van Helmont's alkahest |
Carbonat of silver | |
Carbonat of soda | Natrum or natron Base of marine salt Marine or mineral alkali Crystals of soda Cretaceous soda Aerated soda Effervescing soda Mephiticated soda, &c |
Carbonat of tin | |
[p. 123] Carbonat of tunstein | |
Carbonat of zink | Chalk of zink Aerated zink |
Carburet of iron | Plumbago |
Citrats | Salts formed by the union of the acid of lemons with different bases. This genus of salt had no name in the ancient nomenclature. |
Citrat of alumine | |
Citrat of ammoniac | |
Citrat of antimony | |
Citrat of arsenic | |
Citrat of barytes | |
Citrat of bismuth | |
Citrat of cobalt | |
Citrat of copper | |
Citrat of gold | |
Citrat of iron | |
Citrat of lead | |
[p. 124] Citrat of lime | |
Citrat of magnesia | |
Citrat of manganese | |
Citrat of mercury | |
Citrat of molybden | |
Citrat of nickel | |
Citrat of platina | |
Citrat of potash | |
Citrat of silver | |
Citrat of soda | |
Citrat of tin | |
Citrat of tunstein | |
Citrat of zink | |
Cobalt | Regulus of cobalt Cobalt |
Copper | Copper Venus |
New Names | Ancient Names |
Diamond | Diamond |
New Names | Ancient Names |
Ether acetic | Acetous ether or aether |
Ether muriatic | Marine ether |
Ether nitric | Nitrous ether |
Ether sulphuric | Vitriolic ether |
Extract | Extract |
New Names | Ancient Names |
Fecula | Fecula of vegetables |
Fluats | Salts formed by the fluoric acid, combined with different bases |
Fluat of alumine | Argillous fluor Spathic argile |
Fluat of ammoniac | Spathic sal ammoniac Ammoniacal fluor |
Fluat of antimony | |
Fluat of arsenic | |
[p. 126] Fluat of barytes | Ponderous fluor Barytic fluor |
Fluat of bismuth | |
Fluat of cobalt | |
Fluat of copper | |
Fluat of gold | |
Fluat of iron | |
Fluat of lead | |
Fluat of lime | Fluor spar Vitreous spar Cubic spar Phosphoric spar Spathic fluor |
Fluat of magnesia | Fluorated magnesia Spathic magnesia Magnesian fluor |
Fluat of manganese | |
Fluat of mercury | |
Fluat of molybden | |
Fluat of nickel | |
Fluat of platina | |
Fluat of potash | Tartareous fluor Spathic tartar |
[p. 127] Fluat of silver | |
Fluat of soda | Fluor of soda Spathic soda |
Fluat of tin | |
Fluat of tunstein | |
Fluat of zink | |
Formiats | Salts produced by the union of the formic acid with different bases. This genus of salt was without a name in the ancient nomenclature. |
Formiat of alumine | |
Formiat of ammoniac | |
Formiat of antimony | |
Formiat of arsenic | |
Formiat of barytes | |
Formiat of bismuth | |
Formiat of cobalt | |
Formiat of copper | |
Formiat of gold | |
[p. 128] Formiat of iron | |
Formiat of lead | |
Formiat of lime | |
Formiat of magnesia | |
Formiat of manganese | |
Formiat of mercury | |
Formiat of molybden | |
Formiat of nickel | |
Formiat of platina | |
Formiat of silver | |
Formiat of soda | |
Formiat of tin | |
Formiat of tunstein | |
Formiat of zink |
New Names | Ancient Names |
Gas | Gas Elastic fluid Aeriform fluid |
[p. 129] Gas, acetous acid | Acetous acid gas |
Gas ammoniacal | Alkaline gas, of Dr. Priestley Alkaline air Volatile alkali gas |
Gas azotic | Vitiated air Impure air Phlogisticated air Phlogisticated gas Atmospherical mophets |
Gas, carbonic acid | Fixed air, of Dr. Black Hale's solid air Cretaceous acid gas Mephitic gas |
Gas, carbonated hydrogen | Inflammable gas with charcoal |
Gas, fluoric acid | Spathic acid gas of Dr. Priestley Fluoric acid gas |
Gas hydrogen | Inflammable air Inflammable gas Kirwan's phlogiston |
Gas hydrogen of marshes | Mophetized inflammable gas Inflammable air of marshes |
Gas muriatic acid | Marine air or gas of Dr. Priestley Muriatic acid gas |
Gas nitrous | Nitrous gas, of Hales and Dr. Priestley |
Gas, nitrous acid | Nitrous acid gas |
Oxygen gas | Vital air Pure air Dephlogisticated air, of Dr. Priestley |
[p. 130] Gas, oxygenated muriatic acid | Aerated muriated acid gas Dephlogisticated marine acid, of Scheele |
Gas Prussic acid | Gas of Prussian blue |
Gas, phosphorized hydrogen | Phosphoric gas, of Mr. Gengembre |
Gas, sulphurated hydrogen | Hepatic gas, of Bergman Sulphur-caline air |
Gas, sulphureous acid | Sulphureous acid gas Vitriolic acid air, of Dr. Priestley |
Gluten | Glutenous matter of flower |
Gold | Gold |
New Names | Ancient Names |
Iron | Iron Mars |
New Names | Ancient Names |
Lactats | Salts formed by the union of the acid of flour whey or lactic acid, with different bases. These salts were unknown before Scheele, and without names until the present time. Their properties have as yet been very little examined. |
[p. 131] Lactat of alumine | |
Lactat of ammoniac | |
Lactat of antimony | |
Lactat of arsenic | |
Lactat of barytes | |
Lactat of bismuth | |
Lactat of cobalt | |
Lactat of copper | |
Lactat of gold | |
Lactat of iron | |
Lactat of lead | |
Lactat of lime | |
Lactat of magnesia | |
Lactat of manganese | |
Lactat of mercury | |
Lactat of molybden | |
Lactat of nickel | |
[p. 132] Lactat of platina | |
Lactat of potash | |
Lactat of silver | |
Lactat of soda | |
Lactat of tin | |
Lactat of tunstein | |
Lactat of zink | |
Lead | Lead Saturn |
Light | Light |
Lime or calcareous earth | Calcareous earth Quick-lime |
Lithiats | Salts formed by the combination of the lithic acid, or acid of the stone sometimes generated in the human bladder, with different bases. This genus of salts had no name in the ancient nomenclature, because it was not known before the time of Scheele. |
Lithiat of alumine | |
Lithiat of ammoniac | |
[p. 133] Lithiat of antimony | |
Lithiat of arsenic | |
Lithiat of barytes | |
Lithiat of bismuth | |
Lithiat of cobalt | |
Lithiat of copper | |
Lithiat of gold | |
Lithiat of iron | |
Lithiat of lead | |
Lithiat of lime | |
Lithiat of magnesia | |
Lithiat of manganese | |
Lithiat of mercury | |
Lithiat of molybden | |
Lithiat of nickel | |
Lithiat of platina | |
Lithiat of potash | |
[p. 134] Lithiat of silver | |
Lithiat of soda | |
Lithiat of tin | |
Lithiat of tunstein | |
Lithiat of zink |
New Names | Ancient Names |
Malats | Salts formed by the union of the malic acid, or acid of apples with different bases. This genus of salts has been without a name in the ancient nomenclature. |
Malat of alumine | |
Malat of ammoniac | |
Malat of antimony | |
Malat of arsenic | |
Malat of barytes | |
Malat of bismuth | |
Malat of cobalt | |
[p. 135] Malat of copper | |
Malat of gold | |
Malat of lead | |
Malat of lime | |
Malat of iron | |
Malat of magnesia | |
Malat of manganese | |
Malat of mercury | |
Malat of molybden | |
Malat of nickel | |
Malat of platina | |
Malat of potash | |
Malat of silver | |
Malat of soda | |
Malat of tin | |
Malat of tunstein | |
Malat of zink | |
[p. 136] Manganese | Regulus of manganese |
Mercury | Mercury Quick-silver |
Molybdats | Salts formed by the union of the molybdic acid with different bases. This genus of salts was without a name in the ancient nomenclature. |
Molybdat of alumine | |
Molybdat of ammoniac | |
Molybdat of antimony | |
Molybdat of arsenic | |
Molybdat of barytes | |
Molybdat of bismuth | |
Molybdat of cobalt | |
Molybdat of copper | |
Molybdat of gold | |
Molybdat of iron | |
Molybdat of lead | |
Molybdat of lime | |
[p. 137] Molybdat of magnesia | |
Molybdat of manganese | |
Molybdat of mercury | |
Molybdat of molybden | |
Molybdat of nickel | |
Molybdat of platina | |
Molybdat of potash | |
Molybdat of silver | |
Molybdat of soda | |
Molybdat of tin | |
Molybdat of tunstein | |
Molybdat of zink | |
Molybden | Regulus of molybden |
Mucus | Mucilage |
Muriats | Salts formed by the union of the muriatic acid with different bases |
Muriat of alumine | Marine alum Argillous marine salt |
Muriat of ammoniac | Sal ammoniac Salmiac |
Muriat of antimony | Muriated antimony |
[p. 138] Muriat of arsenic | |
Muriat of arsenic, sublimated | Butter of arsenic |
Muriat of barytes | Barytic marine salt |
Muriat of bismuth | Muriated bismuth |
Muriat of bismuth sublimated | Butter of bismuth |
Muriat of cobalt | Sympathetic ink |
Muriat of copper | Muriated copper |
Muriat of copper, sublimated ammoniacal | Cupreous ammoniacal flowers |
Muriat of gold | Regaline salt of gold Muriated gold |
Muriat of iron | Muriated iron Marine salt of iron |
Muriat of lead | Muriated lead Plumbum corneum |
Muriat of iron sublimated ammoniacal | Martial ammoniacal flowers |
Muriat of lime | Mother ley of sea-salt Calcareous marine salt Fixed sal ammoniac |
Muriat of magnesia | Marine salt having magnesia for basis |
Muriat of manganese | Muriated manganese |
[p. 139] Muriat of mercury, corrosive | Corrosive sublimate Super-muriated mercury |
Muriat of mercury, mild | Mercurius dulcis Sub-muriated mercury |
Muriat of mercury sublimated mild | Sweet mercury sublimate Aquila alba |
Muriat of mercury and ammoniac | Salt of alembroth |
Muriat of mercury by precipitation | Salt of wisdom White precipitated muriated mercury |
Muriat of molybden | |
Muriat of nickel | |
Muriat of platina | Muriated platina Regaline salt of platina |
Muriat of potash | Sylvius's febrifuge salt Regenerated sea-salt |
Muriat of silver | Luna cornea |
Muriat of soda | Sea-salt |
Muriat of soda, fossile | Salined fossile alkali |
Muriat of tin | Salt of Jupiter |
Muriat of tin, concrete | Solid butter of tin, of Mr. Beaume |
[p. 140] Muriat of tin, smoking | Libavius's smoking liquor |
Muriat of tin sublimated | Butter of tin |
Muriat of tunstein | |
Muriat of zink | Marine salt of zink Muriated zink |
Muriat of zink sublimated | Butter of zink |
Muriats oxygenated | (New combinations of the oxygenated muriatic acid with potash and soda, discovered by Mr. Bertholet.) |
Muriat of potash, oxygenated | |
Muriat of soda, oxygenated |
New Names | Ancient Names |
Nitrats | Salts formed by the union of the nitric acid with different bases |
Nitrat of alumine | Nitrous alum Argilaceous earth |
Nitrat of ammoniac | Nitrous sal ammoniac Ammoniacal nitre |
Nitrat of antimony | |
Nitrat of arsenic | Nitre of arsenic |
Nitrat of barytes | Nitrated barytes Nitre of heavy earth |
[p. 141] Nitrat of bismuth | Nitre of bismuth |
Nitrat of cobalt | Nitre of cobalt |
Nitrat of copper | Nitre of copper |
Nitrat of gold | |
Nitrat of iron | Nitre of iron Martial nitre |
Nitrat of lead | Nitre of lead Nitre of saturn |
Nitrat of lime | Calcareous nitre Mother ley of nitre |
Nitrat of magnesia | Nitre of magnesia Magnesian nitre |
Nitrat of manganese | Nitre of manganese Nitrated manganese |
Nitrat of mercury | Nitre of mercury Mercurial nitre |
Nitrat of mercury in dissolution | Solution of mercury |
Nitrat of molybden | |
Nitrat of nickel | Nitrated nickel Nitre of nickel |
Nitrat of platina | |
Nitrat of potash, or nitre | Nitre, salt-petre Sal prunel Nitrated vegetable alkali |
Nitrat of silver | Nitre of silver Lunar crystals |
[p. 142] Nitrat of silver, molten | Lunar caustic |
Nitrat of soda | Cubic nitre Rhomboidal nitre |
Nitrat of tin | Nitre of tin Stanno-nitrous salt |
Nitrat of tunstein | |
Nitrat of zink | Nitre of zink |
Nitrites | Salts formed by the combination of nitrous acid[2] with different bases. This genus of salt had no name in the ancient nomenclature, and was not known before the late discoveries. |
Nitrite of alumine | |
Nitrite of ammoniac | |
Nitrite of antimony | |
Nitrite of arsenic | |
Nitrite of barytes | |
Nitrite of bismuth | |
Nitrite of cobalt | |
[p. 143] Nitrite of copper | |
Nitrite of gold | |
Nitrite of iron | |
Nitrite of lead | |
Nitrite of lime | |
Nitrite of magnesia | |
Nitrite of manganese | |
Nitrite of mercury | |
Nitrite of molybden | |
Nitrite of nickel | |
Nitrite of platina | |
Nitrite of potash | |
Nitrite of silver | |
Nitrite of soda | |
Nitrite of tin | |
Nitrite of tunstein | |
Nitrite of zink |
New Names | Ancient Names |
Oxalats | Salts formed by the combination of the oxalic acid with different bases. The greater number of these salts have not been named in the old nomenclature. |
Oxalat acidulous of ammoniac | |
Oxalat acidulous of potash | Common salt of sorrel |
Oxalat acidulous of soda | |
Oxalat of alumine | |
Oxalat of ammoniac | |
Oxalat of antimony | |
Oxalat of arsenic | |
Oxalat of barytes | |
Oxalat of bismuth | |
Oxalat of cobalt | |
Oxalat of copper | |
Oxalat of gold | |
[p. 145] Oxalat of iron | |
Oxalat of lead | |
Oxalat of lime | |
Oxalat of magnesia | |
Oxalat of manganese | |
Oxalat of mercury | |
Oxalat of molybden | |
Oxalat of nickel | |
Oxalat of platina | |
Oxalat of potash | |
Oxalat of silver | |
Oxalat of soda | |
Oxalat of tin | |
Oxalat of tunstein | |
Oxalat of zink | |
Oxyd arsenical of potash | Liver of arsenic |
Oxyd white of arsenic | White arsenic Calx of arsenic |
[p. 146] Oxyd of antimony by the muriatic acid and nitric acid | Mineral bezoar |
Oxyd of antimony, white, by nitre | Diaphoretic antimony Cerusse of antimony Kerkringius's pearly matter |
Oxyd of antimony white sublimated | Snow of antimony Flowers of antimony Argentine flowers of regulus of antimony |
Oxyd of antimony by the muriatic acid | Powder of algaroth |
Oxyd of antimony sulphurated | Liver of antimony |
Oxyd of antimony sulphurated semi-vitreous | Crocus metallorum |
Oxyd of antimony sulphurated orange-colored | Dealcalised sulphur-caline antimony Golden sulphur of antimony Precipitated sulphur of antimony |
Oxyd of antimony, red sulphurated | Kermes mineral Sulphur-caline antimony |
Oxyd of antimony sulphurated vitreous | Glass of antimony |
[p. 147] Oxyd of antimony, brown vitreous sulphurated | |
Oxyd of arsenic, white sublimated | Flowers of arsenic |
Oxyd of arsenic, yellow sulphurated | Orpiment |
Oxyd of arsenic, red sulphurated | Red arsenic Realgar |
Oxyd of bismuth, white, by the nitric acid | Magistery of bismuth Spanish white |
Oxyd of bismuth sublimated | Flowers of bismuth |
Oxyd of cobalt, grey, with silice | |
Oxyd of cobalt, vitreous | Azure Smalt |
Oxyd of copper, green | Verdigris Rust of copper |
Oxyd of gold, ammoniacal | Aurum fulminans |
Oxyd of gold by tin | Precipitate of gold by tin Cassius's purple |
[p. 148] Oxyds of iron | Saffrons of mars |
Oxyd of iron, brown | Astringent saffron of mars |
Oxyd of iron, yellow | Ochre |
Oxyd of iron, black | AEthiops of iron |
Oxyd of iron, red | Colcothar of vitriol |
Oxyds of lead | Calces of lead |
Oxyd of lead, white, by the acetous acid | White lead |
Oxyd of lead, semi-vitreous; or litharge | Litharge |
Oxyd of lead, yellow | Massicot |
Oxyd of lead, red; or minium | Minium Red lead |
Oxyd of manganese, white | White calx of manganese |
Oxyd of manganese, black | Black magnesia |
Oxyd of mercury, yellow; by the nitric acid | Nitrous turbith |
Oxyd of mercury, yellow; by the sulphuric acid | Turbith mineral Yellow precipitate |
[p. 149] Oxyd of mercury, blackish | AEthiops per se |
Oxyd of mercury, red; by the nitric acid | Red precipitate |
Oxyd of mercury, red; by fire | Mercurius precipitatus per se |
Oxyd of mercury, sulphurated black | AEthiops mineral |
Oxyd of mercury, sulphurated red | Cinnabar |
Oxyd of tin, grey | |
Oxyd of tin, sublimated | Flowers of tin |
Oxyd of zink sublimated | Flowers of zink Pompholix |
Oxyds metallic | Calces of metals |
Oxyds, sublimated metallic | Metallic flowers |
Oxygen | Oxygen Basis of vital air Acidifying principle Empyreal principle Sorbile principle |
New Names | Ancient Names |
Phosphats | Salts formed by the union of the phosphoric acid with different bases |
Phosphat of alumine | |
Phosphat of ammoniac | Phosphorical ammoniac Ammoniacal phosphate |
Phosphat of antimony | |
Phosphat of arsenic | |
Phosphat of barytes | |
Phosphat of bismuth | |
Phosphat of cobalt | |
Phosphat of copper | |
Phosphat of gold | |
Phosphat of iron | Syderite Marsh iron ore |
Phosphat of lead | |
Phosphat of lime | Earth of bones Animal earth |
Phosphat of magnesia | Phosphate of magnesia |
Phosphat of manganese | |
[p. 151] Phosphat of mercury | Rosy precipitate of mercury |
Phosphat of molybden | |
Phosphat of nickel | |
Phosphat of platina | |
Phosphat of potash | |
Phosphat of silver | |
Phosphat of soda | |
Phosphat of soda and ammoniac | Native salt of urine Fusible salts of urine |
Phosphat sursaturated with soda | Wonderful pearly salt |
Phosphat of tin | |
Phosphat of tunstein | |
Phosphat of zink | |
Phosphites | Salts formed by the combination of the phosphorous acid with different bases |
Phosphite of alumine | |
Phosphite of ammoniac | |
[p. 152] Phosphite of antimony | |
Phosphite of arsenic | |
Phosphite of barytes | |
Phosphite of bismuth | |
Phosphite of cobalt | |
Phosphite of copper | |
Phosphite of gold | |
Phosphite of iron | |
Phosphite of lead | |
Phosphite of lime | |
Phosphite of magnesia | |
Phosphite of manganese | |
Phosphite of mercury | |
Phosphite of molybden | |
Phosphite of nickel | |
Phosphite of platina | |
Phosphite of potash | |
[p. 153] Phosphite of silver | |
Phosphite of soda | |
Phosphite of tin | |
Phosphite of tunstein | |
Phosphite of zink | |
Phosphorus | Phosphorus of Kunkel |
Phosphuret | Combination of phosphorus not oxygenated, with different bases |
Phosphuret of copper | |
Phosphuret of iron | Syderum, of Bergman Syderotete of Mr. de Morveau Regulus of syderite |
Pyro-lignites | Salts formed by the union of the pyro-lignic acid with different bases. These salts had no names in the ancient nomenclature. |
Pyrolignite of alumine | |
Pyrolignite of ammoniac | |
Pyrolignite of antimony | |
Pyrolignite of arsenic | |
[p. 154] Pyrolignite of barytes | |
Pyrolignite of bismuth | |
Pyrolignite of cobalt | |
Pyrolignite of copper | |
Pyrolignite of gold | |
Pyrolignite of iron | |
Pyrolignite of lead | |
Pyrolignite of lime | |
Pyrolignite of magnesia | |
Pyrolignite of manganese | |
Pyrolignite of mercury | |
Pyrolignite of molybden | |
Pyrolignite of nickel | |
Pyrolignite of platina | |
Pyrolignite of potash | |
Pyrolignite of silver | |
Pyrolignite of soda | |
[p. 155] Pyrolignite of tin | |
Pyrolignite of tunstein | |
Pyrolignite of zink | |
Pyromucites | Salts formed by the union of the pyro-mucic acid with different bases. This genus of salts had no name in the old nomenclature. |
Pyromucite of alumine | |
Pyromucite of ammoniac | |
Pyromucite of antimony | |
Pyromucite of arsenic | |
Pyromucite of barytes | |
Pyromucite of bismuth | |
Pyromucite of cobalt | |
Pyromucite of copper | |
Pyromucite of gold | |
Pyromucite of iron | |
Pyromucite of lead | |
[p. 156] Pyromucite of lime | |
Pyromucite of magnesia | |
Pyromucite of manganese | |
Pyromucite of mercury | |
Pyromucite of molybden | |
Pyromucite of nickel | |
Pyromucite of platina | |
Pyromucite of potash | |
Pyromucite of silver | |
Pyromucite of soda | |
Pyromucite of tin | |
Pyromucite of tunstein | |
Pyromucite of zink | |
Pyrotartrites | Salts formed by the union of the pyrotartareous acid with different bases |
Pyrotartrite of alumine | |
Pyrotartrite of ammoniac | |
[p. 157] Pyrotartrite of antimony | |
Pyrotartrite of arsenic | |
Pyrotartrite of barytes | |
Pyrotartrite of bismuth | |
Pyrotartrite of cobalt | |
Pyrotartrite of copper | |
Pyrotartrite of gold | |
Pyrotartrite of iron | |
Pyrotartrite of lead | |
Pyrotartrite of lime | |
Pyrotartrite of magnesia | |
Pyrotartrite of manganese | |
Pyrotartrite of mercury | |
Pyrotartrite of molybden | |
Pyrotartrite of nickel | |
Pyrotartrite of platina | |
Pyrotartrite of potash | |
[p. 158] Pyrotartrite of silver | |
Pyrotartrite of soda | |
Pyrotartrite of tin | |
Pyrotartrite of tunstein | |
Pyrotartrite of zink | |
Platina | Juan blanca Platina White gold Platina del pinto |
Potash | Caustic vegetable fixed alkali |
Potash molten | Common caustic, Potential cautery Infernal or septic stone |
Potash, siliciated; in liquidity | |
Prussiats | Salts formed by the union of the prussic acid, or coloring matter of Prussian blue, with different bases. This genus of salts had no name in the old nomenclature. |
Prussiat of alumine | |
Prussiat of ammoniac | |
Prussiat of antimony | |
[p. 159] Prussiat of silver [sic; should be arsenic--CJG] Prussiat of barytes | |
Prussiat of bismuth | |
Prussiat of cobalt | |
Prussiat of copper | |
Prussiat of gold | |
Prussiat of iron | Prussian blue Berlin blue |
Prussiat of lead | |
Prussiat of lime | Calcareous prussiate Lime-water of Prussian blue |
Prussiat of magnesia | |
Prussiat of manganese | |
Prussiat of mercury | |
Prussiat of molybden | |
Prussiat of nickel | |
Prussiat of platina | |
Prussiat of potash | Liquor saturated with the coloring matter of Prussian blue |
[p. 160] Prussiat of potash, saturated ferruginous | Prussian alkali |
Prussiat of potash ferruginous not saturated | Phlogisticated alkali |
Prussiat of silver | |
Prussiat of soda | |
Prussiat of tin | |
Prussiat of tunstein | |
Prussiat of zink | |
Pyrophore of Homburg | Pyrophore of Homburg |
New Names | Ancient Names |
Resins | Resins |
New Names | Ancient Names |
Saccholats | Salts formed by the combination of the saccho-lactic acid with different bases. This genus of salts had no name in the ancient nomenclature. |
Saccholat of alumine | |
Saccholat of ammoniac | |
[p. 161] Saccholat of antimony | |
Saccholat of arsenic | |
Saccholat of barytes | |
Saccholat of bismuth | |
Saccholat of cobalt | |
Saccholat of copper | |
Saccholat of gold | |
Saccholat of iron | |
Saccholat of lead | |
Saccholat of lime | |
Saccholat of magnesia | |
Saccholat of manganese | |
Saccholat of mercury | |
Saccholat of molybden | |
Saccholat of nickel | |
Saccholat of platina | |
Saccholat of potash | |
[p. 162] Saccholat of silver | |
Saccholat of soda | |
Saccholat of tin | |
Saccholat of tunstein | |
Saccholat of zink | |
Saponuls | Combinations of the volatile or essential oils with different bases |
Saponuls acid | Combinations of the volatile or essential oils with the different acids |
Saponuls metallic | Soaps composed of the essential oils united to metallic substances |
Saponul of alumine | Soap made of essential oil united to the basis of alum |
Saponul ammoniacal | Soap made of essential oil united to the volatile alkali |
Saponul of barytes | Soap made of essential oil united to barytes |
Saponul of lime | Soap made of essential oil united to lime |
Saponul of potash | Soap made of essential oil united to vegetable fixed alkali, or Starkey's soap |
Saponul of sodae | Soap made of essential oil united to mineral fixed alkali |
[p. 163] Sebats | Salts formed by the combination of the acid of fat with different bases. These salts had no names in the ancient nomenclature. |
Sebat of alumine | |
Sebat of ammoniac | |
Sebat of antimony | |
Sebat of arsenic | |
Sebat of barytes | |
Sebat of bismuth | |
Sebat of cobalt | |
Sebat of copper | |
Sebat of gold | |
Sebat of iron | |
Sebat of lead | |
Sebat of lime | |
Sebat of magnesia | |
Sebat of manganese | |
[p. 164] Sebat of mercury | |
Sebat of molybden | |
Sebat of nickel | |
Sebat of platina | |
Sebat of potash | |
Sebat of silver | |
Sebat of soda | |
Sebat of tin | |
Sebat of tunstein | |
Sebat of zink | |
Silice, or siliceous earth | Siliceous earth |
Soda | Caustic soda Marine alkali Mineral alkali |
Soaps | Combinations of unctuous, or fixed oils, with different bases |
Soaps acid | Combinations of unctuous, or fixed oils, with different acids |
Soaps metallic | Combinations of unctuous, or fixed oils, with metallic substances |
[p. 165] Soap of alumine | Soap composed of unctuous oil united to the basis of alum |
Soap of ammoniac, or ammoniacal | Soap composed of unctuous oil united to volatile alkali |
Soap of barytes | Soap composed of unctuous oil united to barytes |
Soap of lime | Soap composed of unctuous oil united to lime |
Soap of magnesia | Soap composed of unctuous oil united to magnesia |
Soap of potash | Soap composed of unctuous oil united to vegetable fixed alkali |
Soap of soda | Soap composed of unctuous oil united to mineral fixed alkali |
Succinats | Salts formed by the combination of the acid of amber or succinic acid with different bases |
Succinat of alumine | |
Succinat of ammoniac | |
Succinat of antimony | |
Succinat of arsenic | |
Succinat of barytes | |
Succinat of bismuth | |
[p. 166] Succinat of cobalt | |
Succinat of copper | |
Succinat of gold | |
Succinat of iron | |
Succinat of lead | |
Succinat of lime | |
Succinat of magnesia | |
Succinat of manganese | |
Succinat of mercury | |
Succinat of molybden | |
Succinat of nickel | |
Succinat of platina | |
Succinat of potash | |
Succinat of silver | |
Succinat of soda | |
Succinat of tin | |
Succinat of tunstein | |
[p. 167] Succinat of zink | |
Succinum, or amber | Yellow amber |
Sugar | Sugar |
Sugar crystallized | Sugar candied |
Sugar of milk | Sugar of milk Salt of milk |
Sulphats | Salts formed by the combination of the sulphuric acid with different bases |
Sulphat of alumine | Alum Super-vitriolated clay |
Sulphat of ammoniac | Glauber's secret ammoniacal salt Ammoniacal vitriol |
Sulphat of antimony | Vitriol of antimony |
Sulphat of arsenic | Vitriol of arsenic |
Sulphat of barytes | Ponderous spar Baroselenite |
Sulphat of bismuth | Vitriol of bismuth |
Sulphat of cobalt | Vitriol of cobalt |
Sulphat of copper | Roman vitriol. Blue stone. Super-vitriolated copper |
Sulphat of iron | Green copperas Salt of steel Super-vitriolated iron |
Sulphat of gold | |
[p. 168] Sulphat of lead | Vitriol of lead |
Sulphat of lime | Vitriolated lime Selenite Gypsum Plaster of Paris |
Sulphat of magnesia | Vitriolated magnesia Bitter purging salt Sedlitz salt Epsom salt Seydschutz salt |
Sulphat of manganese | Vitriol of manganese |
Sulphat of mercury | Super-vitriolated mercury Vitriol of mercury |
Sulphat of molybden | |
Sulphat of nickel | |
Sulphat of platina | |
Sulphat of potash | Vitriolated vegetable alkali Sal enixum de duobus Vitriolated tartar Arcanum duplicatum Glaser's sal polychrest Vitriol of potash |
Sulphat of silver | Vitriol of silver |
Sulphat of soda | Glauber's salt Vitriol of soda |
Sulphat of tin | Vitriol of tin |
Sulphat of tunstein | |
[p. 169] Sulphat of zink | White vitriol or copperas Vitriol of zink Vitriol of Goslar |
Sulphites | Salts formed by the combination of the sulphureous acid with different bases |
Sulphite of alumine | |
Sulphite of ammoniac | |
Sulphite of antimony | |
Sulphite of arsenic | |
Sulphite of barytes | |
Sulphite of bismuth | |
Sulphite of cobalt | |
Sulphite of copper | |
Sulphite of gold | |
Sulphite of iron | |
Sulphite of lead | |
Sulphite of lime | |
Sulphite of magnesia | |
Sulphite of manganese | |
[p. 170] Sulphite of mercury | |
Sulphite of molybden | |
Sulphite of nickel | |
Sulphite of platina | |
Sulphite of potash | Stahl's sulphureous salt |
Sulphite of silver | |
Sulphite of soda | |
Sulphite of tin | |
Sulphite of tunstein | |
Sulphite of zink | |
Sulphur | Sulphur |
Sulphur sublimated | Flowers of sulphur |
Sulphurets alkaline | Alkaline livers of sulphur Alkaline hepars. Sulphur-calies |
Sulphurets earthy | Earthy livers of sulphur Earthy hepars |
Sulphurets | Combinations of sulphur with the metals |
Sulphuret of alumine | |
Sulphuret of ammoniac | Boyle's smoking liquor Volatile alkaline liver of sulphur |
[p. 171] Sulphuret of antimony | Antimony |
Sulphuret of antimony, native | Ore of antimony |
Sulphuret of barytes | Liver of sulphur of barytes |
Sulphuret of bismuth | |
Sulphuret of cobalt | |
Sulphuret of copper | Pyrites of copper |
Sulphuret of gold | |
Sulphuret of iron | Martial pyrites |
Sulphuret of fixed oil | Balsom of sulphur |
Sulphuret of volatile oil | Balsom of sulphur |
Sulphuret of lead | |
Sulphuret of magnesia | Magnesian liver of sulphur |
Sulphuret of manganese | |
Sulphuret of mercury | |
Sulphuret of molybden | |
Sulphuret of nickel | |
Sulphuret of platina | |
[p. 172] Sulphuret of potash | Liver of sulphur having for basis the vegetable alkali |
Sulphuret of potash antimoniated | Antimoniated liver of sulphur |
Sulphuret of silver | Blanckmal |
Sulphuret of soda | Liver of sulphur having for basis the mineral alkali |
Sulphuret of soda antimoniated | Antimoniated liver of sulphur |
Sulphuret of tin | |
Sulphuret of tunstein | |
Sulphuret of zink | Blende or factitious galena |
New Names | Ancient Names |
Tartar | Crude tartar |
Tartrites | Salts formed by the combination of the tartareous acid with different bases |
Tartrite acidulous of potash | Tartar. Supertartarised vegetable alkali Cream of tartar Crystals of tartar |
Tartrite of alumine | |
Tartrite of ammoniac | Ammoniacal tartar |
[p. 173] Tartrite of antimony | |
Tartrite of arsenic | |
Tartrite of barytes | |
Tartrite of bismuth | |
Tartrite of cobalt | |
Tartrite of copper | |
Tartrite of gold | |
Tartrite of iron | |
Tartrite of lime | Calcareous tartar |
Tartrite of lead | Saturnine tartar |
Tartrite of magnesia | |
Tartrite of manganese | |
Tartrite of mercury | |
Tartrite of molybden | |
Tartrite of nickel | |
Tartrite of platina | |
[p. 174] Tartrite of potash | Tartarised tartar Soluble tartar Vegetable salt |
Tartrite of potash antimoniated | Emetic tartar Antimoniated tartar |
Tartrite of potash, ferruginous | Chalybiated tartar Soluble martial tartar |
Tartrite of potash surcompounded with antimony | Tartarised tartar containing antimony |
Tartrite of silver | |
Tartrite of soda | Rochelle salt Seignette's polychrest salt Tartarised soda |
Tartrite of tin | |
Tartrite of tunstein | |
Tartrite of zink | |
Tin | Tin Jupiter |
Tunstats | Salts formed by the combination of the tunstic acid, with different bases. These salts had no name in the ancient nomenclature. |
Tunstat of alumine | |
Tunstat of ammoniac | |
Tunstat of antimony | |
[p. 175] Tunstat of arsenic | |
Tunstat of barytes | |
Tunstat of bismuth | |
Tunstat of cobalt | |
Tunstat of copper | |
Tunstat of gold | |
Tunstat of iron | |
Tunstat of lead | |
Tunstat of lime | |
Tunstat of magnesia | |
Tunstat of manganese | |
Tunstat of mercury | |
Tunstat of molybden | |
Tunstat of nickel | |
Tunstat of platina | |
Tunstat of potash | |
Tunstat of silver | |
[p. 176] Tunstat of soda | |
Tunstat of tin | |
Tunstat of tunstein | |
Tunstat of zink |
New Names | Ancient Names |
Water | Water |
Water, lime | Lime water |
Water distilled | Distilled water |
Waters impregnated with the carbonic acid | Acidulated waters Gazeous waters |
Waters sulphurated | Hepatic waters |
New Names | Ancient Names |
Zink | Zink |
[2]That is to say, by an acid of nitre containing less oxygen than that which we have denominated nitric acid, and which form the nitrats. [original note]
This dictionary was laid out to facilitate looking up a term in the new nomenclature and having it defined in terms of an older name. Now it is the "new" nomenclature that is familiar and the "ancient" nomenclature that is strange, and therefore more likely to be looked upthis can be done using the search or find command on your browser.
Finally, note that the "new" nomenclature is similar, but not identical, to the familiar modern binary ionic nomenclature in which -ic and -ous denote higher and lower oxidation states of cations, and -ate and -ite higher and lower degrees of oxidation of anions. In English, in the modern binary nomenclature, the cation precedes the anion; in this version, the opposite order holds. The orthography of the translator, St. John, is preserved in this selection: -at rather than the modern -ate (e.g., in "acetat"). Finally, note that the Method of Chymical Nomenclature represents an important advance, but it was not always correct; see, for example, acetate ("acetat") and acetite, and acetic and acetous acid. --CJG
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