Wayne A. Grove Professor of Economics, Le Moyne College
I. Winner-Take-All Markets:
“Career Lotto: Labor Supply in Winner-Take-All Markets: Evidence from Professional Tennis,” with Michael Jetter and Kerry Papps, working paper 2018.
II. Education and Labor Market Outcomes:
“Self-Confidence and Post-Baccalaureate Academic and Labor Market Outcomes,” with Weiwei Chen and Andrew Hussey, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2017, 138, 10-29.
“Preferential Admission and MBA Outcomes: Mismatch Effects by Race and Gender,” with Andrew Hussey, B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy: Advances in Economic Analysis and Policy, forthcoming.
“Returns to MBA Quality: Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary Returns to Peers, Faculty, and Institution Quality,” Labour Economics, with Andrew Hussey, 2014, 26(1), 43-54.
“The Payoff to School Selectivity: An Application of Dale and Krueger's Method to MBA Programs,” with Weiwei Chen and Andrew Hussey, Economic Letters, 2012.
"The Gender Pay Gap Beyond Human Capital: Heterogeneity in Noncognitive Skills and in Labor Market Tastes," with Andrew Hussey and Michael Jetter, Journal of Human Resources, 2011.
“Returns to Field of Study versus School Quality: MBA Selection on Observed and Unobserved Heterogeneity,” with Andrew Hussey, Economic Inquiry, 2011.
“Survive Then Thrive: Determining Success in the Economics Ph.D. Program,” Economic Inquiry, with Donald H. Dutkowsky and Andrew Grodner, 2007.
“The Search for Ph.D. Talent: Doctoral Completion and Research Productivity of Economists,” American Economic Review, with Stephen Wu, 2007.
III. Student Learning:
“Incentive and Student Learning,” in Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning, Springer Publications, forthcoming, with Lester Hadsell, 2012.
“Factors Influencing Student Performance in Economics: Class and Instructor Characteristics,” in Handbook on Teaching and Learning Economics, with Steve Wu, Elgar Press, 2012.
“Incentives and Learning? A Natural Experiment with Economics Problem Sets,” American Economic Review, with Tim Wasserman, 2006.
“Choosing a Proxy for Academic Aptitude,” Journal of Economic Education, with Tim Wasserman and Andrew Grodner, 2006.
“The Life-Cycle Pattern of Collegiate GPA: Longitudinal Cohort Analysis and Grade Inflation,” Journal of Economic Education, with Tim Wasserman, 2004.
IV. Economic History:
“’Machinery Has Completely Taken Over,’ the Diffusion of the Mechanical Cotton Picker, 1949-1964,” Journal of Interdisciplinary History, with Craig Heinicke, 2008.
“Labor Markets, Regional Diversity, and Cotton Harvest Mechanization in the Post-WWII U.S.,” Social Science History, with Craig Heinicke, 2005.
“Better or Worse Opportunities?: The Demise of Cotton Harvest Labor, 1949-64,” Journal of Economic History, with Craig Heinicke, 2003.
“The Economics of Cotton Harvest Mechanization in the United States, 1920-1970,” Journal of Economic History, 2002.
"Why Do Banks Fail? Evidence from the 1920s," Explorations in Economic History, with Lee Alston and David Wheelock, 1994.
V. Responsibility Attribution and Voting:
“Systematically Biased Beliefs About Political Influence: Evidence from the Perceptions of Political Influence on Policy Outcomes Survey,” with Bryan Caplan, Eric Crampton and Ilya Somin, PS: Political Science & Politics, 2013.
Popular Press Publication:
"Why so many tennis players go pro even though few 'make it'", January 4, 2018, The Conversation, Michael Jetter, Kerry L. Papps, and Wayne A. Grove.