This page contains a variety of policies for CJS/SOC 220. Many of these are mentioned elsewhere on this home page or in the syllabus but this is an attempt to bring most of them together here. They are not presented in any particular order. Students are responsible for complying with all course policies whether they are on this page or elsewhere.


Attendance: Students are expected to come to class every day and should not schedule other meetings and appointments of any kind that conflict with class. Students should expect that absences beyond one per semester will affect their grade and the greater the number of absences, the greater the effect on the grade. Students who have excessive absences early in the semester will be advised to drop the class.

Please do not call or email the professor to explain your absence (unless it relates to a problem and you are seeking his help). The reasons for absences are not relevant. There is an exception to this policy for participants in official college events such as intercollegiate sports.


Holidays: Students are required to attend the last class day before Easter break and Spring break and to attend the first class day after those holidays. If you miss any of those classes, you will be required to provide a documented medical excuse from a medical provider. In the absence of such an excuse, you will be required to drop the class or to do a substantial extra assignment, at the discretion of the instuctor.


Due Dates: Assignments are collected at the beginning of class on the date they are due and will not be accepted any time later, not even a few minutes later. They may be submitted early. Athletes or others excused for official college activities must submit any assignments due the days they are excused before they leave.


Assignments: All assignments must be completed in order to pass the class. If an assignment is late, it will receive a grade of zero but it must still be submitted in order for the student to pass the class.


Tardiness: Students are expected to be in class and ready to proceed at the start of the class period. Students who make a habit of coming late will be required to drop the class. Coming late is disrespectful to the instructor and to other students so please make sure you arrive on time.


Leaving class: Students are not permitted to leave during the class period and then return. If you become ill, you can gather your things up and leave the class. However, you may not return to the class that day.


Cell phones: Cell phones are to be turned off and put away (not on your desk or in your lap) during class. If a cell phone rings, the owner will be required to leave class that day.


Quizzes: Make up opportunities for quizzes will take place during the final examination and at no other time. The reason you have missed the quiz is not relevant. You may not take a quiz and then leave class for the day. If you do so, your quiz will not count.