Aparna Das

Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Assistant Professor
Reilly Hall 212

Research: I am interested in the design and analysis of algorithms, geometric algorithms, combinatorial optimization, and computational game theory. 

Background: Before coming to Le Moyne College I was a posdoc at the University of Arizona. I earned my PhD in computer science from Brown University.  I have a Master of Science from the University of Wisconsin Madison and a Bachelors degree from Cornell in computer science. 

Current Courses 
  • CSC 275- Data Structures and Algorithms
  • CSC 355- Programming Language
  • CSC 375- Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Previous Courses 
  • CSC 151 - Introduction to Information Processing
  • CSC 175- Introduction to Algorithms and Program Design
  • CSC 176- Object Oriented Programming
  • CSC 275- Data Structures and Algorithms
  • CSC 361 - Cybersecurity for future Presidents (co-taught)
  • CSC 375- Design and Analysis of Algorithms
  • CSC 411 - Artificial Intelligence
  • CSC 471- Models of Computation
  • CSC 495/496- Capstone projects


Approximating Minimum Manhattan Networks in Higher Dimensions. With Emden Gansner, Michael Kaufmann, Stephen Kobourov, Joachim Spoerhase, and Alexander Wolff. Algorithmica. vol. 71, no. 1, p. 36-52, 2015. A preliminary version appeared in ESA 2011.

A quasi-polynomial time approximation scheme for Euclidean capacitated vehicle routing. With Claire Mathieu. Algorithmica. vol 73, no 1, p 115-142. 2015. A preliminary version appeared in SODA 2010.

Convergence of Position Auctions under Myopic Best-Response Dynamics Matthew Cary, Aparna Das, Benjamin Edelman, Ioannis Goitis, Kurtis Heimerl, Anna Karlin, Scott Kominers, Claire Mathieu, Michael Schwarz. Transactions on Economics and Computation, 2013.

Approximating the Generalized Minimum Manhattan Problems. With Krzysztof Fleszar, Stephen Kobourov, Joachim Spoerhase, Sankar Veeramoni, and Alexander Wolff.  In ISAAC 2013.

The train delivery problem- vehicle routing meets bin-packing. With Claire Mathieu and Shay Mozes. In WAOA 2010.

Greedy Bidding Strategies for Keyword Auctions. With Matthew Cary, Ben Edelman, Ioannis Giotis, Kurtis Heimerl, Anna Karlin, Claire Mathieu, and Michael Schwarz. In EC 2007..

On hierarchical diameter-clustering, and the supplier problems. With Claire Mathieu. In WAOA 2006. The presentation slides Journal version in Theory of Computing Systems 2009, WAOA special issue.

Miscellaneous Manuscripts
On Maximum Differential Coloring of Caterpillars and Spiders. With M. Bekos, M. Geyer, M. Kaufmann , S. Kobourov and, S. Veeramoni. Unpublished Manuscript.

Image Quest: From Multiple Inaccurate Trajectories to One Accurate Trajectory. With Stephen Kobourov, Sankar Veeramoni and Yunhao Xu. Poster presented at Histochemistry 2012.

Maximizing profit using recommender systems. With Claire Mathieu and Daniel Ricketts. Unpublished manuscript.

On the Effects of Competing Advertisements in Keyword Auctions. With Ioannis Giotis, Anna Karlin and Claire Mathieu. Unpublished manuscript.