French Conversation 301


Jardin de l'artiste à Vétheuil par Claude Monet


Explorations by Susan Schunk and Janet Waisbrot
Heinle and Heinle Publishers


a. Improve the following communication skills in French: listening, speaking and reading. Students will be able to converse in French in different situations.
b. Deepen an awareness of, and appreciation for, the cultures of the French-speaking world
c. Make connections between the study of French and the study of other disciplines
d. Develop an understanding of the benefit that knowledge of French has for the student, according to his (her) personal circumstances, goals, and desires


1. The student will improve his (her) understanding of French. By the end of the semester, the student shoud be able to understand a French-speaking native most of the time.
2. The student will improve his (her) French speaking ability. By the end of the semester, the student should be able to express his (her) ideas in a modestly fluent and correct French.
He (she) will show an ability to carry on the following linguistic functions orally:
- narrate and describe events in the past, present and future, showing the interrelationship of the events
- ask and answer questions appropriately
- express negation
- express volition through the use of the imperative and subjunctive moods
- express suggestions and advice through the use of the conditional mood
- participate in sustain conversation
- show cohesiveness in discourse through proper use of more complex sentence constructions
3. The student will study French phonetics and improve his (her) French accent and intonation.
4. The student will improve his (her) French reading.
5. The student will understand better the differences between French and American civilizations and cultures.


1. Classwork
The course will be conducted entirely in French, but the fine points of grammar will be explained in English, if necessary. Students should always speak French. They are expected to participate very actively. Students don't have to say original things, but they have to speak. Accuracy is very important. What will be judged is how one speaks: vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, intonation and accent are the elements that have to be improved during the semester.
Students must come to class well prepared. Presentations and skits should be done for the agreed day, readings should be read at least three times and French phonetic signs must be learned and memorized. If a movie is to be discussed in class, it must be watched before coming to class. French TV news will be watched and discussed in class.

2. Absences
Attendance in class is required. Any absence will lower the weekly grade given for oral participation and performance, and a maximum of five absences is allowed before the final grade is lowered. Absences due to illness and/or emergency may be excused with appropriate documentation.

3. Speaking, listening and reading objectives will be assessed by:
a. in-class oral participation
b. student presentations which are followed by a debate (at least three or four by each student)
c. dialogue between students (group work), and dialogue between students and teacher
d. A dictation of phonetics and two or three exams will test the student's French comprehension.
Active oral participation is necessary and a grade reflecting the student's preparation and performance will be given every class day.
There will be plus and minus grades. For example, B+ will correspond to 87 to 90, B to 83 to 87, and B- to 80 to 83. There are no make-ups, except in emergencies. If sick (appropriate documentation is needed), students should call me the same day the exam is given so that an exam is rescheduled for them.
f. The final examination will consist of a written part that will test the students' comprehension of French (30% of the grade) and an oral part that will test the students' speaking skill (70% of the grade). To get a C or a higher grade in the oral part of the final exam, a student has to reach the objectives mentioned in number 2 of "COURSE OBJECTIVES". The written part of the final examination will take place on Friday December 13 from 9:00 to 11:30 A.M.


The final grade is made up as follows:
Oral participation and performance in class 25%
Presentations, skits, dictation of phonetics and exams 50%
Final exam 25%


In coordination with the Academic Support Center (ASC), reasonable accommodations are provided for qualified students with disabilities. Please make every attempt to meet with me within the first week of class so that your accommodations can be provided in a timely manner.

Mrs. Goodisman
Office: Grewen Hall, 102 F
Tel.: 445-4222
Office hours: M.W.F. 10:45-11:20 A.M.and by appointment

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Created: 11/1/96 Updated: 8/19/13