IRL 421 - Comparative Industrial Relations Definitions: Argentina

CGT - General Confederation of Labor - the principal central union confederation in Argentina. It split in 1989 but reunited in 1992.

Justice Party - the party formed by the various factions of Peronist groups in the early 1970's.

Peronists - followers of the (somewhat vague) populist philosophy of the two-time former president, Juan Peron. Peronists span the ideological spectrum from Marxists to fairly conservative Catholics.

Trade Union Associations Act - the 1979 Act designed to reduce the economic and political power of the trade union movement.

UCR - Radical Civic Union - a center-left party which is the largest non-Peronist party in the early l980's.

UIA - Argentine Industrial Union - the principal employer umbrella organization which is centered on manufacturing and basic industry.