IRL 420 - Comparative Industrial Relations I Cliff Donn
Fall 1999 RH-228, Ext. 4339
Le Moyne College


Assignments: Each student must write two term papers, each of which will count 30% of the total grade for those who do not take the mid-term exam and 20% for those who do. The first paper should analyze some aspect of the industrial relations system of a country which must be a country on the reading list which is not covered in the lecture material. The second paper should compare two countries but this time both may be (but need not be) countries which are covered in class. The same country must not be treated twice in your two papers. That is, your two papers must deal with three separate countries. Each paper must specify a formal framework of analysis (a model) on which the paper will be based. The models and theories covered in the first part of the course are recommended for this purpose but others may also be used. You may not use the same framework of analysis for both of your papers. Thus, if you use Kerr, Dunlop, Harbison, and Myers for the first paper, you may not use it for the second.

Topics: Each student must submit an outline for each paper approximately two weeks before the paper is due (see due dates below). The paper will not be accepted unless the topic has been approved. Topics other than the assigned ones may be selected but only with the prior approval of the instructor. The outline must specify the exact topic of the paper including the countries to be discussed, the precise aspects of their industrial-relations systems on which the analysis will focus, the framework of analysis which will be used in the paper, and a list of sources. The list of sources must specify precisely what type of information each specific source will provide. The outline as corrected by the instructor must be handed in again when the actual paper is submitted.

Style: Papers must be typed, double-spaced, with 1 1/2 inch margins on the left-hand side. 2000-2500 words is the prescribed length. Term papers MUST have appropriate citations. Quotations require citations but so do facts which are not common knowledge and ideas which are not your own. Thus, if you paraphrase an article instead of quoting it, you must still cite it. Citations MUST indicate the relevant page numbers. Citations may be placed in the text, at the bottom of the page, or at the end of the paper. When citing an article in a book, please cite the author and title of the article as well as the editor and title of the book. Please DO NOT include a bibliography which includes sources you have not cited.  The course home page references a detailed description of the appropriate way to cite in your papers.  Your papers must be consistent with that description.

Evaluation: Term papers are evaluated on their use of sources, their style, their logic, their coverage of the topic, and their creativity in fashioning an answer.

Due Dates: Assignments are due at the beginning of class on the due dates indicated. LATE PAPERS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. Avoid unforeseen mishaps by having your papers done and submitted a few days early.
Paper I - Outline September 20
Paper I October 6
Paper II - Outline November 5
Paper II November 19