CJS 101 - Research Project Rubric


This rubric is designed to give students guidance about what is expected of them in terms of how the research paper assignments are evaluated.  The numbers will also be used as a “short-hand” method to make comments on your research papers. In order to receive a grade in the "A" range, all criteria must be met with at least a "3" and four of the criteria (including creativity) must receive a "4". In order to receive a grade in the "B" range, at least four of the five criteria (including creativity) must be met with at least a "3" and none can receive less than a "2." Any paper with one or more of the first four criteria met with a "1" is likely to receive a failing grade.





Excellent (4)

Good (3)

Poor (2)

Very Poor (1)



The paper follows the instructions for the assignment completely in terms of length, number of graphs and tables, sources of data, margins, font and resubmitting all versions of the paper proposal. The paper largely follows the instructions for the assignment in terms of length, number of graphs and tables, sources of data, margins, font and resubmitting all versions of the paper proposal. The paper follows the instructions for the assignment only in part in terms of length, number of graphs and tables, sources of data, margins, font and resubmitting all versions of the paper proposal. The paper ignores many of the instructions for the assignment in terms of length, number of graphs and tables, sources of data, margins, font and resubmitting all versions of the paper proposal.


The paper is well written in clear and grammatically correct English with correct word usage.  Sentences are well written and flow logically.  The paper uses the specified margins and font.

The paper is, for the most part, well written in clear and grammatically correct English.  The paper uses the specified margins.

The paper has a significant number of grammatical errors and/or incorrect word choice. 

The paper is poorly written and hard to understand with many grammatical errors and misused words.

Comprehension of Data

The paper shows a clear and correct understanding of the data which it presents.

The paper shows a largely correct understanding of the data which it presents.

The paper shows some misunderstanding of the data which it presents.

The paper shows substantial misunderstanding of the data which it presents.

Application of myth/stereotype concepts

The paper uses a completely appropriate and helpful crime myth/stereotype concept to analyze the data it presents.

The paper uses a somewhat appropriate and helpful crime myth/stereotype concept to analyze the data it presents.

The paper uses a problematic or inappropriate crime myth/stereotype concept to analyze the data it presents.

The paper does not use a crime myth/stereotype concept to analyze the data it presents.


Your analysis of the data is original and thoughtful.

Your analysis of the data is thoughtful but not original.

Your analysis of the data is superficial.

You perform little or no analysis of the data or your analysis is illogical.