/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program to demonstrate use of STL's deque container. ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include #include ; using namespace std; int main() { deque d; // Output number of values stored in d cout << d.size() << " elements in an empty deque\n"; // Add first 6 integers alternately to front and back for (int i = 1; i <= 6; i += 2) { d.push_front(i); d.push_back(i+1); } cout << "Contents after alternating adds at front and back:\n"; for (int i = 0; i < d.size(); i++) cout << d[i] << " "; cout << endl; // Change back value to 999, remove front value; d.back() = 999; d.pop_front(); // Display contents of d again, but use an iterator cout << "Contents (via iterators) after changing back " "and popping front:\n"; for (deque::iterator it = d.begin(); it != d.end(); it++) cout << *it << " "; cout << endl; // Dump contents of d from back to front cout << "Dumping the deque from the back:\n"; while (!d.empty()) { cout << d.back() << " "; d.pop_back(); } cout << endl; return 0; }