/*-- DStack.cpp---------------------------------------------------------- This file implements Stack member functions. -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include #include #include using namespace std; #include "DStack.h" //--- Definition of Stack constructor Stack::Stack(int numElements) { assert (numElements > 0); // check precondition myCapacity = numElements; // set stack capacity // allocate array of this capacity myArray = new(nothrow) StackElement[myCapacity]; if (myArray != 0) // memory available myTop = -1; else { cerr << "Inadequate memory to allocate stack \n" " -- terminating execution\n"; exit(1); } // or assert(myArray != 0); } //--- Definition of Stack copy constructor Stack::Stack(const Stack & original) : myCapacity(original.myCapacity), myTop(original.myTop) { //--- Get new array for copy myArray = new(nothrow) StackElement[myCapacity]; if (myArray != 0) // check if memory available // copy original's array member into this new array for (int pos = 0; pos <= myTop; pos++) myArray[pos] = original.myArray[pos]; else { cerr << "*Inadequate memory to allocate stack ***\n"; exit(1); } } //--- Definition of Stack destructor Stack::~Stack() { delete [] myArray; } //--- Definition of assignment operator const Stack & Stack::operator=(const Stack & rightHandSide) { if (this != &rightHandSide) // check that not st = st { //-- Allocate a new array if necessary if (myCapacity != rightHandSide.myCapacity) { delete[] myArray; // destroy previous array myCapacity = rightHandSide.myCapacity; // copy myCapacity myArray = new StackElement[myCapacity]; if (myArray == 0) // check if memory available { cerr << "*** Inadequate memory ***\n"; exit(1); } } myTop = rightHandSide.myTop; // copy myTop member for (int pos = 0; pos <= myTop; pos++) // copy stack elements myArray[pos] = rightHandSide.myArray[pos]; } return *this; } //--- Definition of empty() bool Stack::empty() const { return (myTop == -1); } //--- Definition of push() void Stack::push(const StackElement & value) { if (myTop < myCapacity - 1) //Preserve stack invariant { ++myTop; myArray[myTop] = value; } else { cerr << "*** Stack full -- can't add new value ***\n" "Must increase the stack's capacity.\n"; exit(1); } } //--- Definition of display() void Stack::display(ostream & out) const { for (int i = myTop; i >= 0; i--) out << myArray[i] << endl; } //--- Definition of top() StackElement Stack::top() const { if ( !empty() ) return (myArray[myTop]); else { cerr << "*** Stack is empty -- returning garbage value ***\n"; StackElement garbage; return garbage; } } //--- Definition of pop() void Stack::pop() { if ( !empty() ) myTop--; else cerr << "*** Stack is empty -- can't remove a value ***\n"; }