#include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; int main() { string date = "U.S. independence: July 4, 1776"; istringstream istr(date); string word1, word2, month; int day, year; char comma; istr >> word1 >> word2 >> month >> day >> comma >> year; cout << "Contents of string stream istr, one word per line:\n" << word1 << '\n' << word2 << '\n' << month << '\n' << day << comma << '\n' << year << '\n' << endl; const int Y2K = 1999; ofstream outfile("file5-2.out"); assert(outfile.is_open()); ostringstream ostr; ostr << word1 << "bicentennial: " << month << setw(2) << day << ", " << year + 200 << endl; cout << "Contents of string stream ostr:\n" << ostr.str(); outfile << ostr.str(); }