//-- Test driver for updateFinancialAid() function #include #include using namespace std; #include "FinancialAidAward.h" // Financial aid awards #include "StudentAidRecord.h" // Student financial-aid records //-- Prototype of updateFinancialAid(); definition follows main() void updateFinancialAid(int numRecords, StudentAidRecord studentRecord[], double percent); int main() { const int NUMBER_OF_RECORDS = 3; StudentAidRecord arr[NUMBER_OF_RECORDS]; double percent = .10; int id, awards; string name, source; double amount; for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_RECORDS; i++) { cout << "\nEnter student's id, name: "; cin >> id; getline(cin, name); arr[i].setId(id); arr[i].setName(name); cout << "Enter number of awards for " << id << ": "; cin >> awards; arr[i].setNumAwards(awards); for (int a = 0; a < awards; a++) { cout << "Award " << a + 1 << "'s amount and source: "; cin >> amount; getline(cin, source); FinancialAidAward finaid(source, amount); arr[i].setFinancialAid(a, finaid); } } updateFinancialAid(NUMBER_OF_RECORDS, arr, percent); cout << "\nUpdated Financial Aid Records:" "\n==============================" << endl; for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_RECORDS; ++i) { arr[i].display(); cout << endl; } } //-- Insert contents of Figure 1.9 here. #include void updateFinancialAid(int numRecords, StudentAidRecord studentRecord[], double percent) /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Increase the amount of all financial aid awards in an array of student financial aid records by a specified percentage. Precondition: numRecords > 0 and percent > 0 is a expressed as a decimal. Postcondition: Each record in finAidArray has been modified by increasing the amount of each financial aid award in each record by the specified percentage. -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { assert (numRecords > 0 && percent > 0); for (int record = 0; record < numRecords; record++) { int awardCount = studentRecord[record].getNumAwards(); for (int count = 0; count < awardCount; count++) { FinancialAidAward aid = studentRecord[record].getFinancialAid(count); double newAmount = aid.getAmount(); newAmount += percent * newAmount; aid.setAmount(newAmount); studentRecord[record].setFinancialAid(count, aid); } } }