APRIL 29, 1998

I. Minutes of December 12, 1997

Corrections: Page 2: The last word of the section on Professional Rights and Welfare should be “advice.” Page 3: The first sentence of the second paragraph under College Planning Committee should read, “...President Collins clarified that the three committees for facilities, outcomes, and new programs described as “absorbed” do not exist. There may have been faculty ad hoc committees several years ago, however most of this work is being carried on by faculty committees, such as ARPP and CAPHE.” Page 3: The second to last paragraph has 3 instances of verb disagreement with the word data. “Data were accurate...,” “there are no hard data,” and “data from other institutions were presented...”

II. Opening comments

AVP Geisinger thanked M.K. Collins for her work this year as President. He announced that a new chair in the education department was hired as a full, tenured professor.

President Collins reported on the status of academic computing at Le Moyne as per V. Hevern’s resolution on computing. VP O’Neil has institutionalized faculty as chairs of the college computing committee. The committee’s minutes are posted at http://maple.LeMoyne.edu/~BridgeDL/ccc/public.htm. The membership of the committee has more technical people. A draft document entitled “Strategic Plan for Information Systems and Technologies at Le Moyne, 1998-2001” was distributed (attachment A). The AVP meets monthly with the committee and Mr. Wolford meets monthly with the AVP’s administrators. V. Hevern commented how pleased he is that this is the first time someone from academic affairs has stated that information systems has an academic side to it.

Regarding the equity resolutions, M. Collins announced that course load reductions and stipends will be reported to ARPP by type of release. The 2/2 course load for chairs will continue to be discussed with the AVP to analyze the data collected. There will be no changes at this time. The 3/3 course load group is finishing up a draft report. The 175 student offset issue is on hold. Fr. Mitchell sustains the veto until the 3/3 course load issue is resolved.

M. Collins distributed VP Yost’s memo (attachment B) on food service in the academic buildings once again to recruit faculty to work on this issue. There is a petition available in the Den regarding this matter. Janet Bogdan volunteered to help work on this and suggested that a separate petition from faculty might be in order. Cliff Donn and Sherilyn Smith also volunteered to gather opinions on this.

Lastly, M. Collins congratulated Profs. Rinaman, Monsay, and Nash on their elections as officers for 1998/99 and thanked K. Nash and I. Barnello for their help and hard work this year. She concluded with a thank you to Fr. Mitchell for making the implementation of the salary plan really happen.

III. Committee reports


See their minutes on the VAX Bulletin and on the faculty senate home page (http://maple.lemoyne.edu/~barnello/fspage.html).

Curriculum (Attachment C)


The new executive board stands as follows:

President: K. Nash
President-Elect: W. Rinaman
Secretary/Treasurer: E. Monsay
Division I: M. Saenz
Division II: J. McMahon
Division III: L. Hsu
Division IV: D. Tooker
Division V: M. Morgan
Division VI: J. Consler
At Large: A. Vetrano and S. Smith

Finance (Attachment D)

One question brought out that computer needs, in the aggregate, is an issue that arises in the finance committee. Since departments were not asked for projected needs for 98-99 budget, this budget will address unfunded needs from before with bigger contingency lines. A faculty salary scale is being prepared and will be distributed soon from M. Ruwe’s office.

Professional Rights and Welfare

T. Clifton reported that they continue to meet and will through the summer. We will hear from this committee in the fall by way of resolutions to the executive board regarding the salary and benefits section and the mechanism by which the entire handbook will be amended.

Research & Development

See their home page at http://web.lemoyne.edu/~miller/rd/

Rank & Tenure (Attachment E)

In response to a question why the committee does not make the promotions public, the AVP said that many institutions wait until the start of the new school year to allow time for appeals. Le Moyne usually announces them at fall convocation. It is the President of the College’s prerogative as the agent of the Trustees to announce them.


This was withdrawn from the agenda by Fred Glennon.

V. Other

K. Nash thanked M. Collins for her work and leadership this year as faculty senate president. V. Hevern thanked I. Barnello for her two years of work as secretary.

Respectfully submitted,

Inga H. Barnello
May 1, 1998

A. Strategic Plan for Information Systems and Technologies at Le Moyne College, 1998-2001
B. March 25, 1998 memo from M. Yost to E. Ryan regarding food service in academic area
C. Curriculum Committee Report
D. Finance Committee Report
E. Rank & Tenure Committee Report

[HTML versions of attachments A-C, E are not available.--IHB]


Finance Committee Report by Jennifer Glancy

I would like to express thanks to the members of the Faculty Senate FinanceCommittee: Martha Grabowski, Lifang Hsu, and Shawn Ward. I would especiallylike to thank Senate President Mary K. Collins, without whose assistance Icould not have served as chair of this committee. I would like to thankFinancial VP Tom O’Neil for his unwavering collegiality and his willingnessto share information about the college’s finances with all members of theCollege community. Finally, I would like to thank the Board of Trustees whocontinue to treat us with cordiality and collegiality.

It seems likely that the year-end surplus for 97-98 will exceed the$841,516 forecast in February. As we consider that number, we shouldremember both what we have been able to do during this fiscal year, andwhat we have not bee able to do. On the one hand, we have been able to meetour commitments with regard to the faculty salary plan, including phasingin the second year of the revised salary scale. On the other hand, theCollege has not yet restored the departmental operating budgets that wereslashed earlier in the decade. Faculty members on the College Budgetcommittee continue to raise this as an issue, along with other unfundedneeds.

For the first time in recent memory, we are working with a five-yearbudget, which is enabling us to consider more fully the longer termconsequences of certain decisions. Since we do not anticipate that we willbe back in crisis mode in the near future, we look forward to furtherstreamlining of the budget process and to the establishment of clear andworkable budget guidelines.

If Le Moyne meets our target numbers for the 98-99 year, we anticipate asurplus of $446,216 for the fiscal year. The Trustees have designated thisthe President’s Reserve. The administration has suggested that we shoulduse these funds to cover some of the construction costs for buildingprojects for which we have received pledges that have not yet beenfulfilled. They have also suggested that this surplus could be added to theCollege’s endowment. Faculty members on the Budget Committee have askedthat we continue to meet to review other unfunded needs for the 98-99 year,so that we have a clear sense of direction (tied to planning) at the outsetof the academic year. We are in a healthy financial situation; thechallenge now is to manage those funds to maximize both the short-term andthe long-term financial health of the College.

Page maintained by Inga H. Barnello, barnello@maple.lemoyne.edu. Created: 5/1/98 Updated: 5/1/98