Faculty Senate Executive Board
February 4, 1998
4:30 PM
Reilley Room

[As a courtesy to the representatives of the Student Senate who will be present, the first item of new business will be the first item on the agenda.]

IV. New Business
A. Student voting privilege on Curriculum Committee

Resolved: That the following change in Faculty Senate By Laws be sent to the full membership of the Faculty Senate for a vote of ratification.

The last sentence of Article One, Section IV (Elections of Committees), part 1 (Curriculum Committee) of the By Laws of the Faculty Senate should be changed to read "The Committee shall invite the Student senate to select a representative to serve as a voting member of the Committee."

I. Approval of the minutes of November 12 and December 10*

II. Opening comments

III. Questions on Committee reports**

IV. New Business

B. Research and Development Committee's policies and procedures (W. Miller)
See attached document

Resolved: that the Faculty Senate Executive Board approve the attached Policies and Procedures of the Research and Development Committee.

Created: 1/28/98 Updated: 1/28/98