last updated:

April 29, 2024

[Brain Image]    

PSY 340 Brain and Behavior

Class 40: Psychological Disorders: Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia (SCZ)

What are the mental disorders which lead to the greatest rate of inpatient hospitalization in the United States?
Here are data showing the rate for the 5 leading causes:

5 leading causes of inpatient hospitalizations for
              menal disorders, 2016-18, US

(1) Depressive disorders,
(2) Schizophrenia spectrum & other psychotic disorders,
(3) Bipolar & related disorders,
(4) Suicidal ideation or attempt & intentional self-harm, and
(5) Trauma- & stressor-related disorders (e.g. PTSD)

In this class we will look at #2 Schizophrenia and in the next two classes #1 Depressive & #3 Bipolar disorders

NOTE: The DSM-5 (2013) and DSM-5-TR (2022, the latest revision) use a larger category called Schizophrenia Spectrum and Other Psychotic Disorders within which SCZ is one type of disorder. The elements common to "psychotic disorders" (and described below) include (1) hallucinations, (2) delusions, (3) disorganized thinking (speech), (4) grossly disorganized or abnormal motor behavior (including catatonia), and (5) negative symptoms

YouTube Video: Interview of Young Female at Northwestern Medicine (3'03")

Eugen BleulerSchizophrenia (often abbreviated as SCZ) was originally called dementia praecox (= "mental deterioration or madness coming early in age"). Swiss psychiatrist, Eugen Bleuler (1857-1939), came up with the term schizophrenia (= "split mind") in 1908, which has been preferred ever since (Ashok et al., 2012). The split is between the thinking and emotional processes (NOT between different personalities which is Dissociative Identity Disorder [formerly called "Multiple Personality Disorder"])

Schizophrenia (DSM-5) in general is diagnosed by the presence of at least a couple of these key features:

 A.  "Positive Symptoms" (i.e., excesses or behaviors that shouldn't be there but are)

        B.  "Negative Symptoms" (i.e., deficits or behaviors that are absent but should be present)

C.  Cognitive Impairments

Cognition in SCZ

Schizophrenia can be either acute (a sudden onset with a good possibility of returning to normal in a short time) or chronic (a gradual onset and a long-term course).

Prognosis (= the future outcome) for SCZ is generally much poorer than for any other mental disorder other than the dementias

Demographic Data (McGrath et al., 2004, 2008; Saha et al., 2005)

a. Ethnicity: Schizophrenia occurs in all ethnic groups

b. Gender

c. Urbanicity: SCZ is more prevalent in urban areas vs. rural areas across the world

d. Migrant Status: SCZ is more prevalent in migrants than native-born adults (4.6:1 ratio)

e. Economic Development: SCZ is somewhat more prevalent in US/Europe than in developing countries ("Third World").

Neurobiological Factors in SCZ

A. Genetics: High Heritability

Genetics of SCZ1. Twin and Family Studies. For monozygotic schizophrenic twins there is about a 50 percent concordance (agreement), and a 17% concordance for dizygotic twins. The greater concordance in monozygotic twins does not necessarily mean a genetic cause, as a pure genetic effect would have a 100% concordance.

The greater environmental similarity in monozygotic twins, as compared to dizyogotic twins, may also influence concordance rates. Note that dizygotic twins are actually siblings and their concordance rate for SCZ is more than twice that of siblings born at other times. Dizygotic twins share the same prenatal environment.

In family studies, concordance rates for SCZ go up the closer individuals are genetically related to someone with SCZ.

2. Adopted Children. Adopted children who develop schizophrenia usually have adopting relatives that are psychologically normal, but a high percentage of the biological relatives have schizophrenia.

3. The overall heritability of SCZ across multiple studies appears to be roughly around 80%, considerably higher than found for major depressive disorder, but in line with bipolar disorder (Hilker et al. 2018).

Prelude to B.

SNPThe following studies look at single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the DNA of research participants. As Wikipedia explains: "A Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP, pronounced snip; plural snips) is a DNA sequence variation occurring commonly within a population (e.g. 1%) in which a single nucleotide — A, T, C or G — in the genome (or other shared sequence) differs between members of a biological species or paired chromosomes. For example, two sequenced DNA fragments from different individuals, AAGCCTA to AAGCTTA, contain a difference in a single nucleotide [highlighted in boldface & red]. In this case we say that there are two alleles. Almost all common SNPs have only two alleles." See the illustration to the right.

B. Genome-Wide Association Studies (GWAS)

108 Loci for SZ Identified
Arnedeo et al 2014 AJP 
  • Severe process with positive and negative symptom SCZ
  • Positive and negative SCZ
  • Negative SCZ
  • Positive SCZ
  • Severe process, positive SCZ
  • Moderate process, disorganized negative SCZ
  • Moderate process, positive & negative SCZ
  • Moderate process, continuous positive SCZ

C. The Neurodevelopmental Hypothesis: Schizophrenia is caused in large part by abnormalities to the nervous system during the prenatal or neonatal periods.

1. Prenatal and Neonatal Environment

a. Father over age 55 & living in a city rather than suburb/rural areas (intermediate risk factors)

a. Many people with schizophrenia had problems before or shortly after birth that could have affected their brain development, including poor nutrition and low birth weight, and complications during delivery such as extensive maternal bleeding or prolonged labor. (small risk factor)

b. Schizophrenia has been linked to problems in early or middle pregnancy. During WWII, Dutch women who were on a starvation diet in the early stages of pregnancy gave birth to a high percentage of babies who later developed schizophrenia. (small risk factor)

c. Rh incompatibility between mom and offspring is associated with increased probability of schizophrenia, especially in boys and later-born babies. (small risk factor)

d. Season-of-birth effect: Tendency for those born in winter to have a slightly greater probability of developing schizophrenia; this tendency occurs only in nontropical climates. Many scientists believe that a viral infection during a fall pregnancy accounts for the season-of-birth effect. (small risk factor)

2. Mild Brain Abnormalities

[Schizophrenia Brain]

a. Early MRI studies reveal that many schizophrenics have a slightly smaller prefrontal cortex, temporal cortex, hippocampus, and amygdala than non-schizophrenic adults. They also have larger than normal ventricles.

b. The areas of the brain that most consistently show signs of abnormality in schizophrenics are the ones that mature the most slowly, such as the prefrontal cortex.

c. At a microscopic level people with schizophrenia have smaller than normal cell bodies and some of their neurons fail to arrange themselves in the neat orderly manner of normal brains.

d. People suffering from schizophrenia have slightly larger right hemispheres; while non-schizophrenic adults tend to have larger left hemispheres. Schizophrenics also have lower than normal overall activity in the left hemisphere.

e. Lowered connections between cortical areas. More recent DTI (diffusion tensor imaging) has documented significant white matter tract abnormalities in the connections between different areas of the brain for patients with SCZ (Romme et al, 2016). These reductions in network connectivity are particularly noticeable in the frontal, striatal (subcortical areas of the basal ganglia), and thalamic regions (Bohlken et al, 2015).

f. University of Pennsylvania researchers recently reported two subtypes of SCZ related to whether or not there were abnormalities in brain size and structure. “Subtype 1 showed a commonly reported pattern of widespread reduced grey matter relative to healthy controls [~63% of their sample] … whereas Subtype 2 demonstrated increased volume of the basal ganglia and internal capsule against a background of normal grey and white matter [~37% of their sample]… Our findings thus challenge dominant views of widespread brain volume reduction in schizophrenia” (Chand et al., 2020, p. 7). Notably, neither patient groups differed in terms of symptom severity, duration of illness, age at onset or medication dose or type of medication.

3. Early Development & Later Psychopathology = Why are Symptoms Delayed until Adolescence? An important issue related to the neurodevelopmental hypothesis is

Why do the symptoms show up after in late adolescence or early adulthood if the damage occurs early in brain development?

The answer to this is not clear although as the Neuro-Inflammatory Hypothesis (described below) suggests whatever damage occurs during gestation and early childhood is followed by continued damage to the neural connections in the CNS in adolescence and beyond.

D. The Neuro-Inflammatory Hypothesis: Overactive Immune System (Johnson & Stevens, 2018)

            developmentAs Clifton et al (2019) point out, "the transition from late childhood into adolescence represents a profound period of frontal cortical maturation. In particular, this period is characterized by the elimination ("pruning") of excitatory synapses in the frontal cortex resulting in changes in excitatory-inhibitory balance and dopaminergic regulation and the emergence of adult patterns of executive functioning" (p. 74).  As young children move through later childhood into adolescence, the density of synapses in the cortex decreases. In the figure on the left, Huttenlocher & Dabholkar (1997) show the decreasing density of synapses from childhood through adolescence in the prefrontal cortex (dark brown), visual cortex (blue), and auditory cortex (red).

In 1983 Irwin Feinberg speculated that the reason why the symptoms of SCZ only emerged in adolescence or the early 20s was due to damage to the ordinary processes of synaptic pruning in the adolescent brain. He suggested that there was either too much or too little pruning and that impaired process was directly related to the emergence of SCZ symptoms (Johnson & Stevens, 2018). This is the background to the "Neuro-Inflammatory Hypothesis" of SCZ.

According to the "Neuro-Inflammatory Hypothesis," something goes wrong in the ordinary loss of synapses because of some type of inflammatory or infectious process. Thus, schizophrenia is caused at least in part by a reaction of the brain's immune system (the microglia) which is hyperactive up to and including the adolescent period. As a result the microglia prune (= eliminate) too many synaptic connections, particularly in the prefrontal region of the brain. Note that (1) the inflammatory process in adolescence may be in addition to other genetic vulnerabilities which are expressed before adolescence and (2) inflammatory processes may also be at the root of other mental disorders including major depression (e.g., Bullmore, 2018).

As Costandi (2019) summarizes, the lines of evidence for this hypothesis include

E. Neurotransmitter Hypothesis and Drugs

 1. Dopamine hypothesis for schizophrenia
= schizophrenia results from excess activity at certain dopamine synapses.

The "dopamine hypothesis" for schizophrenia was first proposed by Solomon Snyder (1976).

The primary evidence for this hypothesis is the type of drugs that relieve and aggravate the symptoms of schizophrenia.

a. Chlorpromazine (Thorazine): First drug used successfully for the treatment of schizophrenia. First sold in 1955.

b. Antipsychotic drugs: Drugs used for the treatment of schizophrenia. These drugs work primarily by blocking dopamine receptors.

  • Phenothiazines includes chlorpromazine (Thorazine).
  • Butyrophenones includes haloperidol (Haldol).

c. Substance-induced psychotic disorder: Disorder characterized by hallucinations and delusions caused by drugs such as cocaine, amphetamine, and LSD that increase the activity of dopamine synapses.

d. Stress exacerbates the symptoms of schizophrenia and causes the release of dopamine from the prefrontal cortex, an area believed to be important in schizophrenia.

e. Excess production and release of dopamine cannot be the sole cause of schizophrenia.

  • Drugs that block dopamine receptors do so almost immediately, but their effects on behavior build up gradually over 2 or 3 weeks.
  • Levels of dopamine and its metabolites are generally normal in schizophrenics.

f. Recent studies indicate that schizophrenic people have about twice as many D2 receptors occupied by dopamine as normal people.

2. Glutamate hypothesis for schizophrenia
= schizophrenia results from deficient activity at certain glutamate synapses, specifically involving NMDA receptors

Because dopamine inhibits glutamate activity in many parts of the brain, much of the evidence supporting the dopamine hypothesis of schizophrenia also supports the glutamate hypothesis of schizophrenia. This hypothesis emerged in the 1990s and has gotten a lot of research activity in the last 20 years (Javitt, 2014)

a. Researchers have found that the brains of schizophrenic people release lower than normal amounts of glutamate in the prefrontal cortex and hippocampus. Schizophrenics also have fewer glutamate receptors.

b. Phencyclidine (PCP or "Angel Dust") and Ketamine ("Special K"). These drugs block glutamate-type NMDA receptors and used as an anesthetic in veterinary surgery (Ketamine in human surgery as well).

  • These drugs administered to "normal people" produces a type of psychosis more similar to schizophrenia than drugs like cocaine since both induce negative as well as positive symptoms.
  • PCP does not produce psychosis in preadolescents but produces a much more severe psychosis in people with a history of schizophrenia.

c. Because increasing glutamate activity in the brain would be extremely risky (glutamate is used all over the brain in many different regions), there are no drugs used to treat schizophrenia which directly stimulate glutamate activity. However, there are some experimental compounds that may someday be used to treat schizophrenia. As of the early 2020s, there are still no approved treatments coming out of this hypothesis.

            pathways3. The Search for Improved Drug Treatment

a. Mesocorticolimbic system: There are four dopamine pathways in the brain of which two are important for biological psychology.

b. Tardive dyskinesia (Caroff et al., 2011).  A serious side effect of first-generation or older antipsychotics from the 1950s & 1960s; this disorder is characterized by tremors and other involuntary movements. It arises in 20%-30% of patients on long-term antipsychotic medications, more frequently among patients over the age of 45. It often begins insidiously, that is, with small involuntary movements which get worse over time. It is generally incurable, but clinicians will usually discontinue treatment when the symptoms are still mild. Tardive dyskinesia is probably due to denervation supersensitivity caused by the prolonged blockade of dopamine receptors.

c. Atypical antipsychotics: Newer drugs (e.g., clozapine) that alleviate the symptoms of schizophrenia while seldom, if ever, producing movement problems such as tardive dyskinesia. These drugs have less intense effects on dopamine type D2 receptors, but stronger effects at D4 and serotonin 5-HT2 receptors

d. Atypical antipsychotics alleviate both positive and negative symptoms of schizophrenia. Unfortunately, these compounds have their own side effects, including increased risk of diabetes and an impairment of the immune system.

Where are we today?

Despite all of these advances in understanding possible causes or factors associated with the development of SCZ, the solution to understanding the nature, origins, and treatment of this terrible disorder is still not clear. As science has developed more and more powerful tools to investigate the living brain and as we gain greater knowledge of both the biological and environmental worlds in which people live, we uncover even more questions. For example, the use of DTI (diffusion tensor imaging) is only about 12 years old and we had no real idea about difficulties in white matter connectivity before the advent of DTI in the brains of SCZ patients. Similarly, the use of GWAS in the last five years has revealed how many more genetic variants there are associated with SCZ than we had known beforehand.

It is fair to say, however, that schizophrenia is almost certainly not a single disorder, but a family of different disorders which are given a single diagnostic label.

So, it would seem, that we have many more years to go before we will have gotten a nearly complete handle on this disorder.


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The first version of this page was posted on May 5, 2005